Random Course Question

<p>Ok so I was originally going to take AEM 221 next fall (Financial Accounting) but now I'm thinking about taking LATIN 109 instead (Latin III). I was going to take Latin III later but I'm thinking of changing my mind and taking it earlier. The problem is that they fall at the exact same time AND AEM 221 is not offered in the spring, so it would have to wait until next year. If I wanted to apply for an internship in finance for next summer, would it look bad that I hadn't taken the class? Basically, if I don't take it until next fall, I would have under my belt (course wise) as far as econ/business courses go, Microeconomics, Statistics, Business Management and Marketing (the latter two of which I would take next spring and 3-week summer, respectively). I'm only minoring in AEM so I only need a few more classes after that.</p>

<p>So would this look bad to a potential employer? Would I not have enough business/economics courses? Should I definitely take AEM 221 this fall and take Latin later?</p>

<p>if you are looking to go into the world of business i would say you should try to take at least 1 business class every semester...so unless you already have some experience in financial accounting, i would strongly suggest you take that class...</p>

<p>latin is not really helpful...though it might help you learn some legal terms..</p>

<p>yea i mean latin isn't supposed to be "helpful" for a career in business, but i take it anyhow...i wish that it didn't coincide with aem221!!!!!!</p>

<p>I mean, I don't think it will kill your chances at an internship either way, but i personally would take AEM 221 first. It will be more useful to you right now than the latin class will be. However, it's really up to you.</p>

<p>like the thing is, i'm only going to be a sophomore next year so it'll be the summer before i'm a junior, in which they offer few internships and often not great ones, the good ones are usually reserved for people who are rising seniors (correct??) and so like it's not like i'm gonna get this crazy internship that requires that i be like some crazy finance guy...so is this ok for a 2nd year internship?? i understand if it were a 3rd year one i would definitely need it, but by that time i'll have plenty of business classes on the transcript.</p>

<p>more thoughts??</p>

<p>thanks ajkates, yea i probably should take it first, but it's just that i'd really prefer to take the latin first, it sucks that i can't take them at the same time or 221 in the spring. but what i'm most concerned about is what you mentioned at the beginning about it not killing the chances. if it doesn't, or even really affect them (again, 2nd year internship) then i'd like to take the latin first.</p>

<p>I know, I know you need a time-turner device thingy :)… brought to you by Harry Potter, practical solutions for your everyday problems lol</p>

<p>Er, the only thing is, you DO have a foreign language requirement. Trust me, you'll be MUCH more willing to fulfill that requirement with Latin your freshman year than your sophomore year (in general, as you go on in college you'll have a bigger and bigger desire to take the classes you want instead of worry about fulfilling requirements).
I honestly don't think it'll really "matter" to any employer...you'll only have completed your freshman year! They're not looking for huge requirements, and Latin, surprisingly, does hold some weight.</p>

<p>are you in ILR?</p>

<p>if so, it wont matter one bit - your schedule will be made up already when you get to campus.</p>

<p>You can't take AEM 221 first semester of your freshman year. It is for sophomores and you'll get shut out of the class. Feel free to double check with the professor, Jack Little but he'll probably say no.</p>

<p>Er, of course, what I said only applies if you're in A&S, and now I realize you probably aren't...ignore me...</p>

<p>(But still take Latin)</p>

<p>no no i'm going to be a sophomore, not a freshman, and i'm in a&s not ilr...</p>

<p>it's ok i think that my question was answered</p>

<p>thank you!</p>

<p>Also, just so you know, AEM 221 may be run in the spring, as well as the fall. While it is not normally done, this was done last year due to the large demand, and very may be done again.</p>