I searched the thread but couldn’t find anything recent. I would appreciate any feedback on GEs, location of dorms (does that even matter?), type of people in college (engineers vs lawyers, etc) and anything else that would help a new freshman applicant rank the colleges. If it helps at all, the incoming major will probably be something like BioPsych or Cog Science.
This is the most useful comment I’ve found in the last year by far. The only changes since then I can think of are:
- Revelle added a sit-down restaurant (64 North) adjacent to its dining hall
- Tuolomne/Muir College Apartments are being renovated
- Marshall’s dining hall is being renovated, their apartments added a hammock lounge
- Goody’s burrito shack is no longer open late
- Missing: JK Wood Room study space in warren
- Tons of construction going on around Sixth, mostly related to building the Gilman Bridge and Blue Line Trolley
Thank you @DoctorP !
I saved this thread with a brief description of the colleges (post #9) from March 2016. I will be adding @DoctorP’s updates to it.
Thank you @BunnyBlue, I’ll bookmark that thread as well.