<p>I really need help ranking these 6 colleges. I also put undeclared for major applying to UCSD I'm worried i got a low GPA (weighted 3.4) but lets say i want to major in biology or biotech how should i rank it? is there website i can viist?</p>
<p>you should apply under whatever major you want (unless you really are undeclared) </p>
<p>this is what i wrote in another topic yesterday
"even tho bio and other majors are impacted, it doesnt hurt your chances of getting into ucsd if you dont make the cut for the major</p>
<p>so if you apply bio, or bioE, or whatever else is impacted, but your statistics are good enough to get you into ucsd, you will be admitted</p>
<p>a few weeks later after being admitted your app goes through another round of reviewing to see if you are admitted into the impacted major, if you are, youre a bio kid, if not, you are placed into your second major of choice, or a general major, or w/e..which can be changed pretty easily after you come to ucsd and find out what you really want to do</p>
<p>some colleges dont work that way, like whatever major you apply to at berk, if you dont get in competing against other people applying for that major, then you arent accepted to the school at all, even though you may be more qualified then students applying under a different type of major</p>
<p>alot of state schools are like that too"</p>
<p>and this is from the ucsd website</p>
<p>"If you are an incoming freshman applying to one of these [impacted] majors, you must also select an alternate major that is not impacted on your UC application. These decisions will not affect your admission to UCSD, and you could be admitted into either major."</p>
<p>you major choice doesnt effect your admission chances</p>
<p>I don't think they can switch over to an impacted major, once here.</p>
<p>You can indeed switch to an impacted major once there, but it's not easy</p>
<p>yeah you can, you generally follow that major track until your end of soph/beginning jr yr, then apply, and hope you get it..if you dont youre pretty much stuck at square one, and lost your shot..its really killer, at least thats how the bioE majors work, im pretty sure thats how others work..altho im curious to see how this new impacted bio is going to work out</p>
<p>Well, if you wanted to be a bio or BioE major, I highly suggest not applying as undeclared since those two majors are impacted and as others have mentioned, your choice of major doesn't impact your admissions to UCSD at all. </p>
<p>Now, about the college rankings, it depends on whether you are a bio major or a BioE major... If you're bio, just rank the colleges based on what GEs you would prefer to take. If you are in BioE, it seems that most people prefer Warren since they have more lenient GEs for engineering majors. But in the end, the choice of college doesn't really matter. You may have to take a few more quarters of writing or something, but its not the end of the world.</p>
<p>And BTW, it seems that when you ask people to rank colleges, they always rank their own college as the best. I know I do =) Go Muir.</p>
<p>haha too true.. go revelle : )</p>
<p>Pfft, everyone knows Muir wins the 6 college war. We have an old guy's face as our symbol (also a tree). </p>
<p>What does revelle have? A sunrise? Pffft. Also, the triforce of power is upside down, and wrong...</p>
<p>i am a chemical engineering major in revelle. DO NOT DO WHAT I DID. revelle has insane general education requirements and combine that with the already heavy load you take on as an engineer or science major, its a complete pain. I'm basically going to have to take classes every summer and i walked in with already having completed 44 units to put it into perspective. I would say Sixth College would be your best bet, most of my friends are in Sixth and they have no problem with their general ed stuff.</p>
<p>so what if u put down a major in the Division of Biological Sciences for both the 1st-choice and alternate majors?</p>
<p>I was a chem/biochem major in Revelle, came in with 43 units, and graduated in eleven quarters … could’ve easily been ten quarters, but I had the misfortune of flunking one of my GE classes. </p>
<p>NB: don’t take LIGN 7</p>
<p>astrina, what’s bad about LIGN 7? Also, can anyone clarify what bioengineering: premed is? Is it a focus or is it an actual major? Is it impacted?</p>
<p>All Biological Majors are impacted. I believe Bioengineering is ALSO impacted. </p>
<p>Hurray for UCSD sciences… lol</p>
<p>Ghc: LIGN 7 is probably a class you have no interest in learning when you are forced to take it as a 4th/5th year… thats whats hard about it lol.</p>
<p>Bioengineering: Premedical</p>
<p>The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Bioengineering: Premedical is for students who are interested in preparing for a career in medicine or health professions through an undergraduate education that provides a quantitative understanding of the engineering design and function of the body and biomedical technologies. The curriculum of this major has been designed to meet the admission requirements of most medical schools. Because of this, it has less engineering content but more biological and chemical science content than that in the Bioengineering or Bioengineering: Biotechnology majors. The Bioengineering: Premedical major is one of many at UCSD, such as those in the traditional biological sciences, which can serve as preparation for medical school. The Bioengineering: Premedical major also serves as an excellent preparation for further training in veterinary, optometry, or pharmacy schools and other health professions, such as prosthetics and orthotics. It can also be suitable for students planning to enter graduate school in bioengineering or the biomedical sciences.</p>
<p>and yes its very impacted
google ucsd bioengineering to find out more</p>
<p>Any class I legitimately failed would be one I wouldn’t recommend to anyone else.</p>
<p>I even went to every class – sat in the back row, ate lunch, and wondered about how silly the entire thing was … of course, I’m convinced that science can save the day, so anything remotely un-sciencey isn’t going to grab my attention … even if it meant the possibility of flunking :P</p>
<p>Guess I’m just weird like that, I either like something a whole lot or don’t care about it at all. In fact, I think my number of A+'s equals my number of C’s :)</p>
<p>Bioengineering: premed isn’t impacted…at least the pre-major isn’t. I wrote a major change request from undeclared to Bioengineering: premed, and I got it. My degree audit lists my major as Pre-Bioengineering: Premedical though because there are screening courses afterward, but there’s no way to get into a pre-Biotech or Pre-bioengineering major unless you got in when you applied.</p>
<p>the pre-premed bioE isnt, yeah…so i guess youre right, ask a pre-pre what they are and theyll have no problem saying theyre already premed beng</p>