Rate SAT Essay

<p>Carefully consider the following statement, and then write your essay as directed.</p>

<p>"No progress is possible without sacrifice." </p>

<p>Write an essay that discusses this statement. You may use illustrations from history, literature, current events, or your own experience or personal observation. Write your essay on paper then, after your 25 minutes are up, stop, and type it in. </p>

<p>Essay: </p>

<p>In the long history of civilization, many triumphs and achievements have been accrued. None these, however, would have been possible without bloodshed and sacrifice. The importance of sacrifice in the role of progress is vital. This is illustarted in literature, history, and many sociological aspects of society. </p>

<p>Take immigration for example. Many immigrants who come to a new country to escape famine, oppression and war among others are expected to shed their inherent cultural identity and ethnicity just to "assimilate" into their new enviroment. In the early 1990's, when floods of immigrants from European nations such as Portugal, the Netherlands, England, and Ireland, came to America in hopes of freedom of worship, speech, expression and freedom to exploit entrepreneurial skills and opportunities to climb the socio-economic ladder had to make an ultimate sacrifice. They had to integrate into their new enviroment, which include a slow and painful process of learning a new language that took generations and generations. Nevertheless, this sacrifce of early immigrants comprise an irreproachably important sector of the American identity. the essence those immigrants gave to america through their sacrifice is one freedom, and liberty. The exposure to different cultures is the result of immigration trends - without which the cultural mosaic fabric of ameirca owuldn't exist and society would be a lot less cosmopolitan, and more homogenous. </p>

<p>Another example can be seen in a literary classic. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch sacrificed his safety, reputation and social status in order to defend a black man, which at the time the novel took place, was a stigma in the Deep South. However, withou Atticus's sacrifice, his children, jem and Scout, would not have understand the sense of a prevailing social justice. despite the fact that the case for Tom Robinson was lost, there was nevertheless an essence of a renewed look at the concept of racism. For example, we later find out int he novel that one ofthe Cunninghams who was on the jury was convinced of tom Robinson's innocence, whcih at that time was by any standards a big deal. </p>

<p>The essence of sacrifice is also seen through the curbing of genocide in africa through the courage of selfless soldiers. Doctors without borders is an organization founded on the incentive and agenda of providing aid to homeless, malnourished orpahns, and children in africa who are all victims of such tragedies as genocide, famine, disease, and apartheid mong others. The role of sacrifice in the progress of mankind is seen in the altruism in such doctors and in the fact that they give aid without expecting monetary rewards. </p>

<p>The role of sacrifice, the sacrifices of soceity and some selfless individuals whom comprise it cannot be undermined. Without civil rights activists, raicsm might still be prevalent. Without women suffragists, the status of women might still be inferior to that of men. It has only been through countless sacrifices that the evolution of civilization has reached such a high climax.</p>

<p>This is exactly as I wrote it in 25 minutes, no editing grammar, punctuation. Spelling errors do appear quite frequently, but please overlook that for now.</p>

<p>11-12 I would suggest you cut out 1 paragraph preferably the last one and focus more on the intro and conclusion though. I had 4 paragraph essays and got 11 twice. I think my really really really bad handwriting prevented me from getting 12s.</p>

<p>Nice essay- probably a 5 or 6</p>

<p>lixuelai- How long were your four paragraph essays?</p>

<p>thanks for the assessments. Does how legible your writing is affect your score at all? I have extremely bad writing.</p>

<p>btw, is that a 5 or 6 out of 6, or 12?</p>

<p>5 or 6 out of 6</p>

<p>seth blue, just make sure it's legible. I'm not going to score it because I am completely confused by the SAT scoring system - essays very similar to those that got me A's in Honors English last year are getting 8s and 9s according the the SAT so I'm not entirely sure what they look for and don't want to screw up your essays. I would say that as a regular essay it's pretty good.</p>

<p>i don't think you need to cut out any paragraphs... i would say 6, but the spelling and grammar errors may bring it down to a 5, which is nothing to be ashamed about.</p>

<p>nice job!!!</p>

<li>(of 6)</li>

<p>I used the same strategy the real readers do, which is count headings and big words. which is another reason these tests are BS.</p>

<p>Annie- they don't actually read the whole essay; they couldn't get through thousands of them, and the graders tend to be part-time workers unrelated to education anyway. don't write a good essay, write a good-looking essay.</p>

approximately 500 words in 25 minutes written in a very precise way good work man..i think u'll be able to shoot 12 on the real exam</p>

<p>I wrote a similar essay to this one on the november sat and got a 4. Rather confused now.</p>

<p>yeah, i didn't do too well on the SAT essay (8) but like a month later i took the act and wrote the same caliber essay and got an 11, so i don't know...</p>

<p>I used a personal situation and celebrities to justify my argument though. I guess the sat graders aren't particularily fond of "non-scholarly" examples. I think it's just that stuff from literature, history,that are all in all the more "sophisticated" garner a higher score.</p>

<p>there are quite a few grammatical errors which may not be apparent to the naked eye on the first reading, but when you look over it, you discover the mistakes. i would say a 4-5/6.</p>

<p>Write alot, even if you have some grammar mistakes it doesnt matter. Again write alot.</p>

<p>well, i got an 11 once and a 12 the second time. yeah u should really write a lot. i reread my essays and my 12 seemed worse than my 11 (As far as grammatical errors and even examples go). the logic was more airtight in my 11 essay i felt. i think the SAT graders don't read the essays properly at all - just glance over them for like half a minute. they get impressed by paragraph structure and sheer quantity in writing.</p>