<p>WOW! I glad I said I was Hispanic on my app. I’m a half breed, it seems like everyone in So Cal. is though.</p>
<p>^ I’m not and I’m from So. Cal.</p>
<p>Yea but think of your friends? Most of my friends have at least two ethnicities running through their vains.</p>
<p>TheRoad: Those are great test scores, I’m sure you have just as good of a chance of getting is as anybody else! :)</p>
<p>btw…does your user name have anything to do with the book my McCarthy?</p>
<p>i dunno how i feel about gtown now that they’ve lost…</p>
<p>acp: I felt the same way! haha, it was a tad bit embarassing, but oh well! It’s still my top school! :)</p>
<p>Yes! You are the first person to ask me that question Well, most people don’t focus on usernames, haha…But yes, The Road by Cormac McCarthy; it’s an amazing book. I never watched the movie because movies generally ruin books and I hear it was horrible. The main actor (the father)I hate all his movies except Lord of the Rings trilogy.</p>
<p>^^ I had to read the book over the summer for AP English. I completely agree with you. I’m kind of a book fanatic, and I hate when the movie ruins the book! It really was a great book. I didn’t know the movie already came out? I’m kind of surprised there wasn’t a bigger hype made about it…</p>
<p>how would admissions people look at someone who is white european (french) and hispanic (colombian)? this is the case for one of my friends</p>
<p>What do you mean? In terms of affirmative action? It depends on what he identified himself as, I guess…not really good at the affirmative action department: I try to ignore it rather than being uptight about it as some people are these days…</p>
<p>yes some people in this thread seem to think it plays a big part in admission decisions but i was wondering how it works for people who have mixed ethnicities such as my friend</p>
<p>Affirmative action doesn’t function in an “if you’re [insert underrepresented race here], +1 to you” manner.</p>
<p>so being “half hispanic” is not considered as affirmative action?</p>
<p>anyone receive a Public Safety Alert (PSA) from Georgetown today? I was wondering if there was a reason I just began to get them in my email starting today at 12.</p>
Have you already been admitted?</p>