<p>Does anyone know when decisions are coming out?</p>
<p>:) :)</p>
<p>Mar 20th? I’m a little uncertain</p>
<p>I was under the impression that it was March 14th…3.14. pi day. seems fitting.</p>
<p>The admissions office often releases spring decisions around March 15, and sometimes (when possible) on Pi Day.</p>
<p>The official date will not be announced until the admissions officers have finished a substantial portion of selection – often the official release date is announced in the last week of February or the first week of March. The admissions officers don’t know yet when they will be able to release decisions, as it depends on how quickly they are able to complete selection committee.</p>
<p>So at this moment, no one, including the admissions officers, knows when RD decisions will be released. You can look through the blogs to see the historical dates when decision dates were announced and when decisions were released.</p>
<p>‘historical dates’
<p>dude, 3/14 would be so cool.</p>
<p>3/14? What a day :D</p>
<p>bump~ verrryyyy scarrrrryyyy. Won’t be checking my decision until April 3rd though. Hope the mail won’t reach me before… (I live in China)</p>
<p>Very scary indeed. </p>
<p>Pi Day would be so cool.</p>
<p>I’d say 3/21</p>
<li>more applications in this year = later than usually</li>
<li>21 is a symbol of reached target and related with that happiness xD</li>