RD Decisions 2013?

<p>It's nice the way some UC's release information - all at once! I'm glad my S isn't as neurotic as his mom about the waiting.</p>

<p>Husky82 may have hit on the pattern. S just received acceptance letter and notification of 1/2 tuition Trustee Scholarship yesterday, as well as an e-mail (also yesterday) with a link to their accepted students web page. He's a happy boy! (We are in southern CA, by the way.)</p>

<p>Confirming the pattern: my D's envelope also arrived yesterday afternoon, and she's getting a Dean's scholarship. </p>

<p>I wish the other financial aid info had been included in the same envelope, but hopefully it won't be far behind.</p>

<p>According to my acceptance packet, Financial aid is supposed to be sent by (or received? I forget) March 25.</p>

<p>I got in with $8,800 per year scholarship! I'm so excited. I wasn't really considering L&C before cause of the price but now I am for sure.</p>

<p>We just visited the campus--ohmigosh, SO beautiful! The huge trees, the sheer greenness of the place with vines everywhere. D and I both loved it. We go back for the official tour tomorrow.</p>

<p>Willamette was also lovely, but I think my D preferred the Lewis & Clark type of beauty: that lush, tangled, wild Pacific Northwest feel, vs. manicured/trimmed. Now if only we had a clue what the financial aid package looked like--!</p>

<p>Email today for accepted students listed as "financial aid mailings" as "rolling". Oof.</p>

<p>For anyone afraid that they won't get much from Lewis & Clark, here's some hope:</p>

<p>I got my financial aid package today. $45,270 in grants and scholarships! (That's out of a $47,270 Cost of Attendance.) I can easily make up $2000 in work-study. I didn't expect this from Lewis & Clark. And it came with a handwritten letter from a student, too. I'm growing to like this school more and more.</p>

<p>PS: I applied and was accepted EA, but that shouldn't have made a difference in financial aid.</p>

<p>arduouspallor, congratulations! Is that amount per year?</p>

<p>Dd, who was accepted during Early Action, is still waiting to hear on merit. She's already head from UPS and Eckerd and got merit from both of those. But L&C is her first choice so we're hoping they'll be offering at least as much as the others.</p>

<p>Thanks ca_mom2000! Yep, that's 45270 a year. Aside from the merit scholarship (Dean's), I think everything's based off my need. The biggest grant was from Lewis & Clark for 27862 a year.</p>

<p>My counselor told me financial aid for LC was not that great, but I'm glad she was wrong!</p>

<p>Hopefully your daughter gets her letter soon!</p>

<p>Thanks. Anything she gets will most likely be merit. We're keeping our fingers crossed. She's already gotten a phone call from the chair of the department she's interested in, hope that's a good sign (not that I think the professors have anything to do with the decisions on merit).</p>

<p>Dd got her letter. The financial aid package was very disappointing to say the least. If they can't increase it she may not be attending L&C.</p>