<p>no letter here either (RI)</p>
<p>anyone know what the envelopes for accepts/rejects/waitlists look like?</p>
<p>no letter here either (RI)</p>
<p>anyone know what the envelopes for accepts/rejects/waitlists look like?</p>
<p>I’m sure it’s your typical large=accept, small=fail sort of thing.</p>
<p>You’re probably right, but I got an acceptance from another school that was a small envelope, 2 pieces of paper - so you never know.</p>
<p>Haha, and I wouldn’t say that small=fail. That’s a bit harsh.</p>
<p>Wow. No letter at our house either. I guess this is bad. :(</p>
<p>DD heard via snailmail from 3 colleges yesterday (Monday), but not Oberlin. She has been waitlisted at the other 3 LACs to which she applied. Oberlin is her first choice and we are dying to find out. However, thank god for safeties. She got into all three of her safeties.</p>
<p>Last year, my heard around March 28th. We knew the letters were coming because someone in Ohio heard the day before. There were some who heard earlier - minority groups and mvp candidates who needed to hear earlier because they were invited to special events on campus. </p>
<p>So my advice - don’t read the tea leaves. My son had no special correspondence from admissions previous to receiving the big envelope. (Which contained info on his John F. Oberlin Scholarship!) Hang in there.</p>
<p>Nothing in the mail today in southwest PA…</p>
<p>ACCEPTED. (via email-- i’m a Minority.) they sent me e-mail about six hours ago, so the letters should be coming very soon.</p>
<p>**an e-mail</p>
<p>@getlifted, where do you live?</p>
<p>in chicago</p>
<p>Nothing in the snail mail in southwestern PA…</p>
<p>Bet they’re mailed tomorrow.</p>
<p>I’m eagerly anticipating my admissions decision. Good luck to everyone. :)</p>
<p>According to someone on the Oberlin 2013 Facebook group, “they’re mailing the letters out today.”</p>
<p>I’m quite nervous. Oberlin is definitely my first choice. But sadly it is also a reach for me.</p>
<p>Was this person in admissions? That is such exciting news! Good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>I don’t know. Sorry. It just says:
“Alexi Darling wrote
at 12:30pm
They’re mailing the letters out today.”</p>
<p>Hopefully this is true.</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone! :)</p>
<p>woot, so hopefully I’ll get mine tomorrow.</p>
<p>Does anyone know if financial aid decisions come at the same time as admissions decisions?
I’m excited!
and hoping my expectations aren’t off base…</p>
<p>quinoa- did you change the persons name? I’d assume so, but if not, I’m laughing because Alexi Darling=Rent.</p>
<p>And I haven’t been posting on the Oberlin forum, but I’m really excited to know decisions. Oberlin’s definitely a reach for me, so it’d be nice to know :)</p>
<p>nothing today in Washington Dc. how logn will it take for it to get to DC???/ from Ohio??</p>