Re-take a class to erase a B during summer school

My son took Math 3 in a prep school and got a B in summer going to 10th grade. Can he take the same class in his high school to make sure he got A.

We are looking for UC school to be specific.


UC will not disregard the B; both courses and grades are reported and included in the GPA. Shame on the HS for even allowing a retake of a B


Iā€™m not expert in UC admissions but wouldnā€™t a class taken the summer before 10th grade count in the GPA?

Regardless i would not retake a B.

@beyeu107: This question has been answered on another discussion but any a-g course such as Math 3 taken the summer after 9th grade through the summer prior to 12th grade will be included in the UC GPA calculation.

Also @ucbalmnus posted according to the UC website the following:**UC allows repeats of C- and lower grades only** . B and C grades cannot be repeated for higher grades.

Also, all grades including the original and repeat grades for a-g courses must be reported on the UC application.

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thank you, I got my answer.

Yup. I missed the summer part on the initial read.

We have good news. That school has Pass/Fail choice as an option. Weā€™ll pick that for now. Thanks for all the help.

Y ? They says C Or D to me depending on the school. Not sure how UCs will calculate but it will be seen.

Heā€™s after 9th grade. He got a B. Itā€™s ok. He may get more. Itā€™s ok. There are lots of UCs, CSUs, other schools including OOS.

He has three years to go. Itā€™ll be ok.


We pick pass/no pass for now. He said he will never do a full year math course in 6 weeks again :slight_smile: Thank you.

Personally I would call an admissions counselor at LA or Berkeley and ask. Many will ā€˜guideā€™ you unofficially.

Hereā€™s what the UCs say but itā€™s through 2021.

While UCs are test blind itā€™s apparent at many schools we are back to the world of old. And this this pass fail may be looked at as to why. I donā€™t know.

But thatā€™s why Iā€™d call and ask vs just assume.

Not a comment against you but more society because youā€™re playing the hand dealt but itā€™s sad that thereā€™s so much pressure in the system today that parents and kids are treating a B as if itā€™s a failure. Honestly more important is what area did the child fall short so they can get caught up for the next class. A ā€˜Bā€™ is a fine grade and there is life beyond the UCs (minus Merced since some choose to avoid) and CPSLO.

Good luck

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Just to emphasize the information posted by @tsbna44, here are a few comments off the UC website. Again, this is Covid specific and are referencing 2019-2021 academic years.

Pass (P) or Credit (CR) grades earned in spring, summer, and fall 2020, as well as spring and summer 2021, will meet A-G requirements for any student who was enrolled in high school during the 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic years. This includes students currently enrolled in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.

UC will continue to calculate the GPA for admission purposes using all A-G courses passed with letter grades in grades 10 and 11, including summer terms following grades 9, 10 and 11. Pass (P) or Credit (CR) grades earned in spring 2020 through summer 2021 will meet A-G subject requirements but will not be calculated in the GPA. Extra points in honors-level coursework will continue to be capped at 8 semesters of honors points in A-G courses completed with letter grades of A, B and C in grades 10 and 11.

UC will accept Pass or Credit grades in A-G courses completed in winter 2020 through summer 2021 to meet A-G requirements. If there is an option between Pass/Credit grades or Letter grades for the A-G courses, a Letter grade is recommended.


Are you worried ONE B grade will negatively affect college admissions? If so, I strongly urge you to let go of this. One B grade isnā€™t going to tank your kidā€™s college chances.

Iā€™m confused by your question. Was his B grade in the summer before 10th gradeā€¦and if soā€¦why was he even taking a summer class at all?


I would think a school sees a P instead of a ā€œBā€ and assume he did less than a ā€œBā€ā€” which may hurt you as well.

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Once more. ONE grade of B is not a crisis. Actually a couple of B grades arenā€™t a crisis. When the time comes, your son should be looking at colleges with varying levels of competitiveness for admission.

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What year did he take the Math 3 course? Was it last summer 2021?

Here is more information regarding the UCā€™s and Pass/Fail for A-G courses:

Courses in which a Pass or Credit grade has been earned cannot later be repeated for a letter grade.

Pass or Credit grades are assumed to represent achievement at the C- or higher level, regardless of what those grades mean at individual high schools.

UC-approved-honors,designated AP and IB, and UC-transferable college courses in which a Pass or Credit grade is earned will not receive an extra point in the GPA calculation.

A B grade in a 6 week summer Math course is very acceptable. I would highly recommend taking the letter grade especially if the class was taken this summer 2022?


Thank you Gumbymom/everyone. My son is trying to make sure he has all A for now. It is still very early to tell if it is possible for him but 1 B will ruin that chance. His school offers limited AP courses/no honor course so his unweight GPA will be less than his peers.

He is taking a pass/no pass this summer. I am hoping by working hard in Cal A/B, Cal C/D will make up for this.

Extra points in honors-level coursework will continue to be capped at 8 semesters of honors points in A-G courses completed with letter grades of A, B and C in grades 10 and 11

Does this mean, max 8 honors/AP classes ? Thanks!

As a side note, please donā€™t make your son feel like he must get all Aā€™s or it will be a disappointment ā€“ this is too much pressure for any HS student, regardless of how intelligent he or she may be. Take a deep breath and focus on the bigger picture ā€“ if he grows into a kind, hardworking, and involved young man good things will follow.


totally agreed.

I want to help him learn the value of ā€˜hardworkingā€™ since during those 6 weeks. He would also enjoy not study at all during the weekend and 6hrs+ playing game/daily (something I think he should improve). The other actives like music, community service, gym, other EC are fine. Those donā€™t take more than 2 hour/day and 5 hours on the weekend.