<p>gah! i despised eragon. he spent the bulk of his time traveling, and the rest being mortally wounded.</p>
<p>1 he was only mortally wounded once
2 its adventure they are supposed to travel</p>
<p>dude, the book had no climax. it was flat as an airport runway. </p>
<p>and adventure does not necessarily entail traveling.</p>
<p>maby i like adventure too much i never read an adventure book that i disliked</p>
<p>hopefully the rest of the trilogy will be better</p>
<p>the movie is coming out and the author started it at 16 or 14 cant remember</p>
<p>For those of you who like fantasy Sabriel and Abarat are both good, by garth nix and clive barker, respectively.</p>
<p>loved Sabriel know any books by the same author</p>
<p>no, you're wrong. he was 17.</p>
<p>he also wrote the seventh tower series, but it's for a slightly younger audience than sabriel. check out lirael and abhorsen too.</p>
<p>Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov... I'm too afraid to bring it to school because I think people will think it's porny or something, but it's actually not. It's so beautifully written and really tragic... I love it.</p>
<p>Im reading "Obscure Yet Complex Book Title" by Also Obscure Yet Intellectual Sounding Author. I hope this shows all of you that i'm simply better.</p>
<p>BTW, im also reading "Impossible to Understand Book (such as name of the rose/gravity's rainbow)" by Whoever. Im just loving it! (Too bad im either missing the whole point or reading 1 page per hour).</p>
<p>I hope every single one of u have read "America: the Book" by John Stewart. it is hilarious! I just got it for christmas and i cant put it down</p>
<p>PV... I got that book a couple of months ago and couldn't put it down. Jon Stewart is my god.</p>
<p>Catch 22
really funny</p>
<p>Aaahhhh yes the Abhorsen series was awesome. I loved it. </p>
<p>If you're interested in philosophy, read Sophie's World. It blew my mind. Fight Club is good too, but I think someone already suggested it. Read Walden by Thoreau if you haven't, it was a very thought provoking book for me.</p>
<p>Why hasnt anyone said the best book ever written?</p>
<p>The Hobbit or There and back again by J.R.R Tolkin</p>
<h2>The Lord of The Rings Trilogy also by J.R.R Tolkin</h2>
<p>Some good books:
Robinson Caruso
Da Vinci Code
Harry Potter Series
Mysterious Island</p>
<p>Also the Redwall series</p>
<p>Rai-kirah series by Carol Berg. excellent fantasy/world-building</p>
<p>Confederacy of Dunces - Pulitzer prize winner of fiction. Very funny, definitely the funniest book I have read. The characters are the most original and contrasting. I saw reviews on Amazon, all were 5 stars. Also has lots of good vocabulary (the protagonist is a disturbing english major, engaging in attempts to turn American democracy to monarchical rule and other exploits.) You should definitely check this book out.</p>