Read any good books lately?

<p>State of Fear by Michael Crichton
Not one of his best books...but still great</p>

<p>everyone should read</p>

<p>Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.....its amazing =D</p>

<p>I am reading Romeo and Juliet AGAIN for the third time. Its a good book.</p>

<p>you actually understnad that old english mess?</p>

<p>Yeah! I love it too! And im a GUY! (and im straight too). I just think the Bard was clever in his writing with all his puns etc. Comic banter in the book is also very clever and interesting.</p>

<p>"Old English mess"?
It's not Old English. Old English is a medieval thing and it looks like a completely different language.</p>

<p>I don't think she was being literal calm down</p>

<p>fight was awesome too
huckleberry Finn- for school</p>

<p>1984 by George Orwell is EXCELLENT
so is The Young Lions by Irwin Shaw</p>

<p>1984 is a super good book, if you like it read Brave New World by aldous huxley and if you like that read any book by Vonnegut.</p>

<p>yeh i read BNW, although it was good, it was a little risque though, more so than 1984 too</p>

<p>o yeh, i forgot to mention Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, that was pretty good</p>

<p>Life of Pi
- Yann Martel</p>

<p>A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly. This is the absolute best book I've ever read in my entire life. I highly recommend it.</p>

<p>The Story of Lucy Gault--sad</p>

<p>these are all thought-provoking, serious books. what about those of us who want brainless fun?</p>

<p>The O'Malley series by Dee Henderson, I love them! I have read 3 in the series so far, and right now I am reading my 4th. They're about this this family of kids that all grew up in an orphanage, and made their own family. Now as adults they all have high profile jobs or just really great jobs (for example the brothers are a paramedic, fireman, and us marshal). They are actually all about finding christ, which isn't my thing at all. But they are still excellent, not extremely religious.</p>

<p>The Chosen by Chaim Potok is very good. It's a bildingsroman type book that might be of interest. It's pretty thought provoking though. :P</p>

<p>I just read The Color of Water. It was fantastic. Right now, I'm reading Salinger's 9 short stories, which I highly recommend, and Jhumpa Lahiri's novel The Namesake. </p>

<p>I HIGHLY RECOMMEND JHUMPA LAHIRI! Her short stories book Interpreter of Maladies was phenomenal - no wonder she won a pulitzer for it.</p>

<p>HP fans should go check out Search for fyre or neutral (authors) and their Western Stars Universe stories. It's so amazingly good. Shows what mighta happened if Sirius and Harry met when Harry was 6 or so.</p>

<p>Fantasy readers: What about Anne Bishop's Dark Jewels Trilogy? My absolute favorite of all time (so far). I have the 3 in 1 book so it counts as 1 book for me. =) Also, Jacqueline Carey and Robin Hobbs books are awesome...</p>

<p>Currently reading: Just finished Dumas' Count and it was... wow. Now onto 3 Musketeers.</p>

<p>I LOVE Harry Potter!!!!</p>