Read any good books lately?

<p>Harry Potter is scary. I went on a HP marathon reading the 5 books in about 2 days, and after I finished, I was like "RAWR! I must have the next book... NOW"
I went crazy and started to frequent harry potter forums online and reading fan fics, but than a day later I just said screw it and started playing Grand Theft Auto.</p>

<p>I just finished Bulgakov's Master and Margarita and really liked it. </p>

<p>I also highly reccomend any of Irwin Shaw's novels. I've read almost everything he's written. The Young Lions and Rich Man, Poor Man are particularly good.</p>

<p>Tom Wolfe's book, Charlotte Simmons, about Duke.</p>

<p>Fountainhead's awesome</p>

<p>The Remains of the Day by Ishiguro Kazuo</p>

<p>I second Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkein was a genius!</p>

<p>Tuesdays with Morrie - read it last night - awesome!!!!</p>

<p>I'm glad this thread was revived.</p>

<p>But I second(or third) America: The Book
I've made a nice list from this thread and I will read them... ALL. well at least some.</p>

1984 is a super good book, if you like it read Brave New World by aldous huxley and if you like that read any book by Vonnegut.


<p>I LOVED 1984! I read it in like a day, one of my favorite books to this day, even though I am not that into sci-fi. I read Brave New World and I didnt really like it, and I thought it was dragged out too long and it just wasnt as well written. Of course I was in eigth grade, and it was a hard to follow for me, so maybe I will come to appreciate it. I started to read Fahrenheit 451, about the first third of it, but never finished it....hmmm.....what i read was pretty good though lol</p>

<p>Time, Love, Memory : A Great Biologist and His Quest for the Origins of Behavior, by Jonathan Weiner</p>

<p>any rand.. perspective-changin</p>

<p>ayn* rand.. shes written fountainhead n atlas shrugged</p>

<p>I checked out atlas shrugged today! along with walden, metamorphosis, and the perks of being a wallflower. woo I got me some reading to do(This isn't even counting AP Eng books!)</p>

<p>"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" by Betty Smith
"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
"The King Must Die" by Mary Renault</p>

<p>I loved reading those.</p>

<p>Just finished Tuesdays with Morrie - absolutely worth reading.</p>

<p>I'm extremely interested in "Catcher in the Rye" which is weird because it is talked about in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" So it's basically peaked my interest heh.</p>

<p>Ohh I read Wallflower.. and Catcher. </p>

<p>Mm, I just finished Oliver Twist. The movie comes up later this month, I believe. </p>

<p>And, I'm currently reading Sophie's World. It's very cool. :cool:</p>

<p>David Copperfield by Charles Dickens.</p>

<p>Don't let the 800 pages intimidate you.</p>

<p>KITE RUNNER!! it made me cry. </p>

<p>read it. its amazing.</p>

<p>This has been dead for months (since last year : )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get this email....sayin somone has replyed to this thread and im like whut offence...its a good thread..</p>

Catcher in the Rye sooooooooostupid!
Same with speak....</p>

<p>I agree with anyone who loves 1984..i am absolutely obsessed with that book</p>

<p>1984 is amazing!!!!</p>