<p>I don't know if this is where this is supposed to go, but I was wondering if anyone would be willing to critique my appeal before I turn it in. I'm grateful for any help you can give. Thank you</p>
<p>To Whom It May Concern:
When I got the email that I would need to write an appeal, I wasn’t surprised. I was disappointed but I had known for a few weeks that my grades were far from ideal, and although I did study for finals, it wasn’t enough. I know what I did wrong this semester and I have spent these last few days thinking about what I could have done to prevent this outcome, and what I can do in the future to keep myself from this happening again. I ask that you allow me to return next semester, because I know that I can learn from my mistakes.
Throughout this entire semester, I didn’t work hard enough in any of my studies. I knew that _________ curriculum would be more difficult than that of my old school, but I didn’t really think I would have to try much harder, so I didn’t. I didn’t take the time to use the wonderful resources available to me at _<strong><em>, and I didn’t manage my time properly even though I knew I needed to. Within the first few weeks, I knew that trigonometry would be my worst class, so I did get a tutor. She did help a lot, and my test scores raised 22 points with her. However, after midterms, she didn’t come in to study hours with me very often and the last few weeks of the semester we didn’t meet at all. I should have rescheduled all the meetings missed and made more of an effort to get help, but I didn’t.
I own up to all the mistakes I made this past semester, but I also have a plan to fix what I did wrong. Attached to this letter, I have a schedule. This a rough copy that will be adjusted as I go through my classes and see what fits, but for now it serves the purpose of giving an outline of the way I will spend my time next semester. I plan on attending all study hours even if they aren’t mandatory as well as getting a calculus tutor at the very least. During my free time, rather than go back to dorm, I will go to a library to study instead. This will insure that I spend less time hanging out with friends, and more time doing my work. I also plan on downloading an app that will block me from all but a few websites during an allotted amount of time so that when I’m at the library, I won’t be exploring the internet for distractions. I have also included a list of the possible programs I can download to do this.
Giving you an idea of how I plan to fix the mistakes I made this past semester won’t change my GPA however. According to the _</em></strong> GPA calculator, my current GPA is a 2.31. Over winter term, I am registered to take a 3 credit hour medical terminology course that I am confident I can get an A in. Should I get an A, it will raise my GPA to a 2.63 so that my GPA is where it needs to be. I am also open to the option that over winter term I take online courses as remedial classes, or even a course to prepare me for my classes next semester. __ doesn’t offer any such courses, but I have supplied a list of online courses I could take for high school credit through _____________<strong><em>. Next semester, I am scheduled for 16 credit hours. Although I would like to take all of the courses I am registered for, should the workload prove to be too much for me, I will drop _</em></strong>______ and its lab and take them at a later date so that I may better focus on my required courses. If the
Thank you for taking the time to consider my appeal, and I urge you to accept it and allow me to return next semester. I was at fault for all that went wrong this last semester, but I am better prepared for the next one. I’m open to any changes that you would make to my course load and schedule for winter term and spring semester. I will be grateful for any chance at readmission.</p>