<p>Hey so my church is having this camp thing in Illinois</p>
<p>You go there and sit through a concert/ church at breakfast time for an hour and 30 minutes</p>
<p>and at night you do it again</p>
<p>between then you can do camp stuff like go to the lake, canoe, play pool (costs money) play ping pong, basketball, dodgeball and a couple other outdoor stuff.</p>
<p>But the thing is, none of these things excite me. They are all rather boring to me so I wasn't going to go anyway. But my friends raised the 300$ for me to go. I appreciate their work and everything but these activities really aren't that fun to me.</p>
<p>I'd rather bring a bunch of books and read or practice my drawing or take a walk. But if I read or something my friends will get on me for reading instead of playing basketball or something.</p>
<p>I don't want to go to a camp that my friends payed for and not do any of the activities just to insult them, But I don't wanna me bored out of my mind either :</p>
<p>And yes I do like exercise. It's just I like running with my Ipod blasting the Beatles or Doing push-ups at my own pace. While I run it clears my mind and lets me imagine things to draw or to write for one of my stories. It is really peaceful. I can't achieve this with basketball or something where I constantly have to focus on the game and can't play at my own pace (had a minor heart surgery a couple years ago and I have asthma)</p>
<p>You could just go and do that stuff with your friends–they raised the money for you to go, so even if you’re not doing what’s most enjoyable for you, you can spend time with a group of people who obviously care a lot about you. That should be fun just in itself.</p>
<p>Of course you can also just let them know. Tell them you really really appreciate what they’ve done and it means a lot, [and maybe you’ll go, maybe you won’t] but you’d rather ____. Maybe you can go, be with them, and maybe instead of <em>being</em> in the canoe or whatever, you can be there and talk with them, and maybe draw/write something about the experience? You could even type it up/scan it when you get home and make it something nice for all of you to remember afterwards. Obviously it’s up to you. :]</p>
<p>They did something similar of “Harry Potter is the devil.” Last year
They used the youtube video Charlie bit My finger and compared Charlie to the Devil.</p>
<p>But it wasn’t in the same crazy sense as that lady…</p>
<p>lol i do the same thing! Where I live, non-christians are ostracized big time, so I tell everyone I am a methodist even though I am not religious at all.</p>
<p>i had never heard of deism before you posted about it but i looked it up on google and it sounds pretty interesting. But I don’t know if the universe has a creator or not so i prefer not to label myself as anything</p>