Reading my essay? (posted in thread)

<p>It's not for college admissions, but for some county-wide scholarships. I don't think it's particularly great, and it doesn't really need to be THAT amazing. But is it at least better than just, eh?</p>


<p>Some may think my aspirations too great; that I am biting off more than I could ever chew. Case in point; I would like to be the President of the United States.</p>

<pre><code>I have transformed in the last two years since departing from high school. Upon entering the realm of collegial academia, I have suddenly become enslaved with the delight obtained from knowledge. I have grasped, what seems to be, a purpose in life, and most notably, been granted an enormous second chance. As a transfer student, I consider myself part of perhaps the luckiest minority in the country. Seldom does the universe grant second chances, and seldom further, should one have such carelessness as to let the opportunity pass.

During high school, I did not carry with me the mindset I have today. Perhaps the product of being raised in a low-income family, with parents of whom never came within eye sight of a college degree, I never fathomed the prospect of being successful. A chronic illness which left me home-schooled and occasionally hospitalized during my middle school years only helped to fuel a predisposition towards having “fun” and a yearning for a prominent social status. It is only during the past two years that I have, quite fervently, cast my future aspirations to the utmost forefront of my life’s itinerary. I commit myself to education not for myself, or for my family, or even for the possible good that I hope to instill in the world; I do it under a cardinal sense of what I like to call obligation. I am no where near the most intelligent person in the world. I am most likely not the smartest candidate biding for this scholarship. I am, however, lucky enough to bestow a level of sagacity which I am confident is sufficient to carry me through a high quality university, into law school, and beyond. I am sure of this, and being so, I see no reasonable argument as to why my dreams will not come to fruition. My only encumbrance is that of hard work, diligence, and (maybe a little financial assistance.) These are all trivial things. A paralyzed man, regardless of work ethic and diligence, will never accomplish his dreams of walking again. This is the real tragedy of life; facing something that is unattainable despite the most earnest of efforts. It is a situation that I am blessed, in this instance, not to suffer through.

Now, I realize dreams of becoming President of the United States are on the majority absurd. The odds are stacked against me in a manner consistent of the California lottery, and quite honestly the whole political process seems to be dependent on an opulent financial framework; something that I, in this instance, certainly do not bestow. However, I have prospered in my local setting, and at the same time become enslaved with the delight obtained from knowledge.* It is with this thirst for edification that I desire to transfer to a four-year university.* From this milestone, I plan to attend law school and receive my J.D.* I have a passion for the written word, and despite the likelihood that I will never be resting my feet upon the desk of the Oval Office, I plan to use this as a catalyst in having my voice heard.
Undoubtedly, it is a complex time to be alive, and one may assume the complexity will only grow.* Whether it is through a novel, a television broadcast, an article, a speech in the capital building, or some other form of declaration, I hope to have my voice heard and sway the exhaustible band of existence that is our world.