Reading questions first?

Will I get a better score on the reading section of the ACT if I read the questions before reading the passage? Also, would it be of any use to take notes on the questions to remind you what to look for? For example, If one of the questions is involving the year 1937, and you have a weak memory; would it be good to write something like “1937?” to the side of the passage to stress that it is an important date?

It depends on what score you’re going for. Normally you only have about 8 minutes per passage (unless one is really really easy, which isn’t likely). Skimming over the questions is always a good idea, but taking notes will take away valuable time during that test. Unless your aiming for around a 28, then you can take notes on 34 of the questions and guess on the last 6 in the last minute. Personally, I wouldn’t bother with notes cause the time crunch is real on the reading section

ACT Reading should be called ACT Matching.