My son and I are finalizing his college list and I would like to hear from everyone. We listed up based on his academics and test scores.
ACT: 35 (36E 34M 36R 36S)
GPA: 99.8 UWGPA/ 103 WGPA
Rather competitive public school in NJ (We don’t have a ranking system)
10th: AP Euro (5) AP Stat(5)
11th: AP ush/ AP Bio/ AP psy/ Ap Lang. He is confident for all 5 but 4 for AP bio.
12th: AP Lang/ AP gov/ AP Mac/ AP Spanish/ AP phy
Extracurriculars: In-school
-Debate- Secretary
-Mock Trial- Jr. Captain
-Ethics Bowl- Secretary
-JV volleyball for 1 year and dropped due to a schedule conflict with another club
Extracurriculars: outside-school
- Founded and running a local community-based project website with 6 other members
- not many outside activities due to his academics and school clubs. He can only spend a few hours during weekends…To be honest I am having a hard time to understand other students who do many outside school activities…maybe my son is doing something wrong???
Regional debate: 1st place (x2)/ State octa finalist (x2) / Harvard invitational speech rank 22nd out of 129
Regional Math fair: 1st place
Regional research competition: 3rd place.
Prospective major: Not declared yet but any majors for pre-law related…
Family of 4
Single income source: $150K AGI
Home Equity: $450K
Mortgage: $400K
Line of credit: $60K
Mutual Funds: $65K
529: $38K
We ran every NPC for below colleges and avg EFC is about $50K
Does that sound fair???
-Washington & Lee
-Univ of Virginia
-SUNY Binghamton
I would appreciate honesty especially!
and your son is NMSF…
how much do you want to pay each year?