<p>So everyone knows that you can go on collegeboard and see the middle 50% of SAT scores, right? Well I did some calculations of my own based on CCers who were accepted into Harvard, Yale, and Princeton.</p>
<p>Average SAT score for a CCer accepted to Princeton: 2312
Average SAT score for a CCer accepted to Yale: 2296
Average SAT score for a CCer accepted to Harvard: 2187</p>
<p>If anyone would like me to do this for other schools, let me know.</p>
<p>Guess which school accepted the fewest applicants? Harvard? And guess which school had the lowest SAT average? Harvard!! Kind of interesting...</p>
<p>While not foolproof, I am personally sick and tired of basing my chances on the huge 50% window we see everywhere for the top schools. This is more of an accurate picture...</p>
<p>You can find more accurate numbers online...</p>
<p>Collegeboard posts some averages for about every college in the country. Here's the link to Princeton, and from there you can navigate to any school.</p>
<p>Hmm, I actually like this! I know it's not entirely correct,but, I'm also tired of seeing myself in the mid 50% knowing there's no way I'll be accepted to that college. </p>
<p>Can you possibly do that for Dartmouth and Brown too? Thanks, btw.</p>
<p>ivleague, you use the phrase "while not foolproof". that implies that your predictions are pretty close but not on the dot. except they aren't even close. A 2187 is certainly not going to be the average for Harvard.</p>
<p>yeah, so I think that in order to realistic, it would be necessary to weed out URMs and recruited athletes or any other special case. That way we could be realistic on good/bad our SAT scores really are to these colleges</p>
<p>I think ppl are inflating the important of AA, for admission to Ivy League schools, what is does is not let underqualified minorities in, it boosts equally qualified ppl, and if you think thousands of minorities (not including asians bc well you know) are not making 2200+ then i think that would be in error. Only a select few minorities apply and the ones that do, do it bc they are qualified.</p>
<p>Hmm, that Dartmouth score made me happy :-) My ACT equiv. falls almost exactly on your calculated score. At this I don't even care if the scores are right hahaha. They're like my little security blanket that I can look at and tell myself that maybe my scores will make up for my lack of awards :-(</p>