
<p>ok yet another poor pathatic shmuck taking about "what are my chances" @Wabash and Hampden-Sydney </p>

<p>*no AP/honors untill JR year
*GPA 2.95
*No SAT/ACT scores, yet</p>

<p>hardly anyone on this board will know anything about those schools...</p>

<p>a big "LOL" is all i can say to that</p>

<p>This is actually unique, but you said "Yet another." Most of the people that post here are like, I have a 6.0 and a perfect SAT.</p>

<p>Because you admitted that you are just another pathetic schmuck (you have more common sense than most of the people here, at least), I took a moment to look up your schools. I have no clue which Wabash college you are looking at - there are 3 with it in their name. I thought that looking up Hampden would help me out in terms of location, which it did not. Anyway, to actually get to your question:</p>

<p>Hampden accepts 70% of applicants, and 30% of their incoming class has a GPA below 3 (stats may be a bit old, but I can't see them changing much). As long as you don't totally bomb the SAT/ACT, and do well in your AP class(es), you are getting in. Because they are a small school, any ECs you have or unique things you do will be a major benefit for you, because they will give much more thought to those things, not making decisions based only on numbers.</p>

<p>Good luck, and may your realism and common sense serve you well. I hope you end up being the boss of 95% of the people who peruse this forum :)</p>

<p>Anarchy said it right. Dude I need some help in our thread. They are all up against me, I can't handle it alone. We gotta be a team.</p>

<p>Good luck Wabash.</p>

<p>sorry its a little late which thread?</p>

<p>BTW, the name of the colleges are Wabash College in IA, and Hampden-Sydney College in VA.</p>

<p>YAY now my gpa is 3.2</p>

<p>thats a nice jump.</p>

<p>indeed, it is.</p>