Recalculating GPA [with C grades repeated for A grades]

I am currently a junior and had a rough year and received C’s in AP Calculus AB and BC (4 semesters) but retook the class online for 3 semesters and got an A which will replace the Cs in school cumulative GPA but still also show the C in transcript. How will colleges view this? The AP score for AB was a 4 and BC AP score is pending. All other math classes up until calculus was an A and non-math class grades are mostly As and couple Bs with total of 8 APs in high school and few honors. The only reason for this was accelerating taking summer pre-calc online and because I got an A thought I was ready to take AP Calc AB in 10th grade. In hindsight it was definitely a bad decision made but lesson learned.
SAT score is 1450 (math is 780). If I want to major in CS/Computer Engineering/Data Science am I out of luck with any top colleges? I would love to hear any recommendations of colleges to consider applying. I am passionate about community service with media recognition and many awards, gone to robotics worlds twice, have good work experience and this summer I will work with a Phd college professor in a lab. Thanks.

Each college could have its own rules on whether and how it recalculates your GPA, including differences in how it treats repeated courses.

For example, among California public universities, CSU uses only the highest grade from any attempt of a repeated course, but UC uses the first C or higher grade earned:

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I think that we need more information in order to suggest particular universities to apply to.

However, it sounds like you took calculus very early. We do sometimes see posts from students who took some difficult course too early and did not do well. This is relatively common. Having retaken calculus as a junior is still early, and it sounds like you did very well when you retook it.

1450 is a very good SAT score. 780 on math is very good.

I would not worry about it.


As @ucbalumnus has said different universities may interpret this somewhat differently. Overall however I think that you will do well.

By the way, I am pleased both that you retook calculus, and that you did well when retaking it. For a student who is very strong in math (which you appear to be) calculus is something that you are likely to use many times in the future.

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Thank you. When you say more information…my gpa UW is 3.75, 8 APs and 4 honors and I mentioned my ECs above. Does that help?

Home state, budget, and preferences in terms of what you want in a university would also be useful.

WA home state and no financial budget constraints. I would prefer west coast but open to other states and am looking for a medium size university with more hands on CS experience and not a very stressful environment and not big into greek life.

Maybe Cal Poly SLO? Esp if, as ucbalumnus notes, CSUs use the highest grade.

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Cal Poly SLO is non holistic and test blind, so admission is mostly based on GPA. CS is highly impacted, so students must have a very high GPA to be admitted. I would guess that this student may have better results with schools that have a more holistic admission process.


Have you taken a look at Gonzaga or Whitman?

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Thanks any recommendations?

Thanks its on my list.

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