<p>I am having a hard time deciding between Philosophy: Logic and Critical Reasoning and Philosophy: Intro Philosophy....I was also debating on taking either Anthropology or Astronomy.....</p>
<p>Any ideas on what classes are the most interesting yet not too difficult?</p>
<p>I am pre-med so anything that would help for the MCAT would be nice.</p>
<p>I would go with Logic and Critical Reasoning. There's a lot of debate involved. Better yet, there's no right or wrong answers. </p>
<p>As to Anthro and Astro, I can't help with that cuz i never took them before.</p>
<p>But if you want to know interesting classes for the D.E.C. I could tell you some of it.</p>
<p>PSY 103 or SOC 105 for DEC F, it's interesting
BIO 104 for DEC E (it's about pseudo-science)
PHI 100/105 for DEC B - both are interesting and easy.
EST 201 for DEC H - it's highly recommended.</p>
<p>Thanks for the response...BTW I meant to say Psychology 103: Intro Psych...not Philosophy: Intro Philosophy....</p>
<p>Also I had one other question....is it required that all students must take gen ed's in more than one area in order to fulfill them to graduate? For ex., you can't take Gen Ed's from solely category E....you must diversify them to category G, F and so on..</p>
<p>1 Basic Math
2 Basic Writing
3 Foreign Language
4 US History
*A College Writing
B Literature
C Math & Stats
D Fine & Performing Arts
*E Natural Science
*F Social Science
*G Humanities
H Implications of Science & Technology
I European Traditions
J World Beyond European Traditions
K American Pluralism</p>
<p>You need one of each, except for (* above) A (WRT 101/102), E, F, and G, of which you need two each. How you fulfill all the requirements (transfer credit, AP credit, regular coursework) is really up to you.</p>
<p>Now, if you're a Bio major, you're going to wind up taking ten or twelve courses that fit DEC E; that's fine. You just need to complete the minimum requirement in each section, regardless of your major. There is some overlap; there are courses that fulfill both F and 4, or K and 4, or C and 1. There is one course (JRN 101 News Literacy) that fulfills both DEC B and DEC G; it's the only course on campus that fulfills two lettered requirements, so it's a great option.</p>
<p>Hope this helps.</p>
<p>PS: If you're in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the above requirements are a little different (no D, only one F and only one G).</p>
<p>Just choose stuff you're interested in that fills the requirements; for the love of god don't think about the MCATs when you pick every single class. Nothing outside of science classes will really help with them anyway, so you might as well learn for the sake of learning for once.</p>
<p>Just choose whichever of the options a) fits into your schedule, b) fills a DEC you won't eventually fill through your major or pre-med requirements anyway, c) seems interesting to you, and d) is taught by someone good.</p>
<p>As for those specific classes... I've heard good things about PSY 103 with Franklin, Logical and Critical Reasoning can be interesting if the prof is good and it's something you're into, anthropology is cool but stay away from anything taught by Arens, and astronomy depends on which course you're talking about. Most AST classes will probably fill DEC E, which you'll slaughter several times over with pre-med stuff. I've heard good things about Search for Life in the Universe though, which fills DEC H; my roommate took it and it seemed interesting and not exceptionally time consuming.</p>
<p>Thanks so much.......is there a place where it lists the courses by DEC letter? I remember I got a paper that had all of that but I think I lost it and was wondering if its online.</p>