We requested that CB send out DS’s SAT scores a few weeks ago. According to the College Board website it has been sent. Is there any way to check if the colleges have received his scores?
Be passive and relax. They are doing this data dump millions of times each year. If the score hasn’t arrived, the college will contact you. Remember, they WANT to admit your kid.
Don’t let this be like worrying if you left the oven on as you go on a trip. It’ll be okay.
Sorry, I’m a nervous nellie. When DS applied to high schools, his middle school screwed up and one of the high schools did not receive his SSAT scores or transcript. It turned out ok in the end, but I didn’t want to go through that again.
Once your child applies s/he is normally sent instructions for logging into the Prospect Portal for that school. Generally you will see receipt of test scores in the Portal once you log in and any/all missing items like LORs, Transcript. etc
Yes, the portal is the best way, but be aware that colleges don’t download the scores and school info daily, probably more like weekly. And then they don’t annotate what’s been received immediately. It can take some time to reflect what they have.
DS is a procrastinator. He still needs to tweak some of his essays. I suspect he will end up applying right at or before the deadline for EA. Do schools give grace periods for any missing items? For instance, if he submits exactly on the EA date and logs into their portal, and it shows missing items, can he still submit items after that date?
Anything he is directly responsible for should be in before the date. They give leeway for those things out of the students control like HS transcripts. I would give him an artificial date of a day or two early.