Recent Accomplishments

<p>Okay, I've recently been inducted into an honor society(Very young age), I got around 4,000$ in research/studies money from a program, I am doing an interview that will be aired for my entire state...</p>

<p>Should I send a brief letter with this stuff? The interview won't be availible on DVD until February 20th... So that is out of the question. It is on a charitable organization that I am involved with. </p>

<p>Good idea? Bad idea?</p>

<p>If I were you, I wouldn’t</p>

<p>Italianboarder, you are very, very good at making people feel very, very small.</p>

Don’t mind Italian, he’s been doing that for the entire tie he’s been on here. I wouldn’t be surprised if he “exaggerates” alot- a little of his stats. There’s only so much one can do in the eighth grade</p>

<p>I hope you do this for the sake of helping others, not just for the benefit of your resume.</p>

<p>If it’s the latter, I’d rather you not bother mentioning it ever, ever again.</p>

<p>i’d say send it :slight_smile:
and congratulations!</p>

<p>I’m actually not in the 8th grade… Just FYI. Jeeves, I’m doing it for both really… I’ve seen a post saying “My track time went from X+3 to X… Should I update the schools on this?” I’m pretty sure that most of the things I listed are(fairly) unique, and that would really give me an edge. I’m hoping that they are unique at least.</p>

<p>I’ll be brief:
The reason I posted it was because I’ve pmed somebody to ask without posting and the issue was- does this significantly help you? I think that it does. I’m starting to realize that those things might be able to push me from a “good” to a “great” applicant. It seems like sending it might be unnecessary… I’ll deliberate on it.</p>

<p>It’s hard to see how sending it would harm your application. Go ahead! Click the SEND button!!!</p>

<p>You should send it in. Don’t let the naysayers get you down.</p>

<p>If you mind me asking, what honor society is this. Mensa? NJHS? I do not know which it is but I am part of the former and I did not disclose that to the school; I do not know what your reasons are but here are mine.</p>

<p>-They can already make a judgement based on the other stuff, most people do not have the opportunity to do these things–more than lack of smarts (IQ requirement) it would be the lack of recourses. Admissions officers know this and they will keep it as an extra.
-It is not a hook, being in an honor society makes no difference to them. Being a top athlete/musician/artist is something that will benefit the school, being in an honor society makes no difference.
-These things usually measure qualities that the admissions office can measure from the things that you send them</p>

<p>All that being said it will not hurt you, if they think you are bragging they will ignore it and if not they will look at it. In the end it is usually needless prestige… </p>

<p>Askjeeves you said you should not send it to boost resume but people say that too freely. There is NOTHING wrong in doing something so it will help someone get a desirable outcome. </p>

<p>Again, I am not trying to dissuade you from sending it in, but it would have little impact.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t. They’re already laden with paperwork and just giving them more is a little much when they’ve already got more than 1000 applications to look at</p>

<p>I agree with NOT sending it in.</p>

<p>I’m not saying it’s a redundant piece of information, but frankly, the deadline for most schools is long gone and I, personally, would not deem it prudent to send in more and more pieces of information for my file. As others have stated, they’re already inundated with copious amounts of info. and unless it’s an accomplishment that could benefit their school (ie athletics) don’t bother.</p>

<p>EDIT: Okay, I was really rushing on that last bit because I wa being kicked off the computer. Let me revise! =]</p>

<p>I don’t think that being part of an ‘honor society’ will help you get in - it isn’t worldy and big enough to catch their eye, like a sizeable athletic or artist accomplishment would be. As for the interview, unless you were some founding member or something, who’s being recognized for his entrepenurial accomplishments, I doubt it’d be worth much. As for the research bit, I think it wouldn’t have hurt to include it in the intial part of the application, but not into mid-February as an add-on.</p>

<p>Anyways, blind leading the blind I suppose, but that’s what forums are for! </p>

<p>Good luck! And I hope that which ever decision you make doesn’t hurt your app. =]</p>

<p>Oh and by the way you disclosed way too much information with that post. I can get a very good idea of who you are now. I am not stalking you, just saying that the internet in today’s day and age provides many excellent recourses. </p>

<p>I suggest speaking with the mods and asking to rephrase a lot of your post. When you specify the information of a scholarship like that it gives more information than needed. Telling us that you won something like NMS makes no big difference over 15,000 people win annually, but disclosing a scholarship with such detail (on a side note it came of as sightly arrogant as others have stated, but that is not the point) that is not as widely recognized can get you in some holes.</p>

<p>Also if an admissions officer decides to search the details of the scholarship that you received they will without doubt google it, and college confidential is one of the first thing that pops up for these things… Always. Then they will know the italianboarder is John Doe applicant to XXX XXX XXX XXX, and they will see if there is anything about you they can find out.</p>

<p>Will they do all that? It is hypothetical, they will read this thread if it pops up on the search engine. That you can be sure about. Unless it is something very widely recognized they will likely do a google search to find out more about it and this will likely show.</p>

<p>I think this holds true for a lot of things… Due to the regulation of no edit/delete after 20min people need to be really careful about what they put up. </p>

<p>Anyway good luck with whatever decision you make.</p>

principalviola, u r my hero!!
i wanted to say that, but didnt have the courage to do so!!
lmaoo :D</p>

<p>haha yeah actually… you probably shouldn’t be dishing all this info, dude!</p>

<p>too bad you can’t delete threads…</p>

<p>I didn’t… I’m pretty cautious about that type of stuff.
I’m not worried. I know they can’t find it… Why? Because the official awards ceremony is in a later month. I got word so I can make flight plans and my relatives can know. (PM me if you want to try and sign up for one… they still have some cash to give away)</p>

<p>The scholarship is also given to more then 1 student. Plus it is 100% confidential until after admissions letters. </p>

<p>I’m pretty solid on the whole ID methodology.</p>

<p>Okay. You are the one who received this recognition so you know about this more than us all but remember admissions offices have more recourses to find out these things. Am I saying that they will, maybe so maybe not, but again on a forum as widely used as CC (one of the first things the pops up on many search engines) we all need to remember to keep certain things to ourselves. They will keep the winners confidential, if what you said is correct, but they will not keep the scholarship itself confidential. Many of the adcoms have relations with many top scholarships (if what you say is correct your scholarship is very prestigious… Why else would you bother asking if these schools would like it), especially if it is availably to their students. </p>

<p>It is all hypothetical but remember the the readers of this are not only your peers, but also your overlookers. </p>

<p>Again good luck :)</p>

<p>I forgot about how much traffic CC gets by none registered people…
Are you sure boarding school kids are eligible for scholarships?(Let’s say they were on FA) Would the school subtract the amount of FA they get if they get a scholarship?</p>

<p>I do not know about the Financial Aide. I do know counselors like to share good scholarships, not the random $200 one, but one that is very good. At places like HADES, Milton, Groton, and Choate you can be sure the counselors will have very good connections. </p>

<p>I can’t speak for an Adcom in this sense but I can say if I was an adcom I would love reading this forum but I would not register myself.</p>