recommendation with midyear report?

<p>The second page of the common app midyear report has the same instructions in the "evaluation" section (the counselor recommendation) of the first school report: "Please write whatever you think is importnat about this student..." Does my counselor have to submit another letter of recommendation for the midyear report? or does she just have to write a couple comments?</p>

<p>Well really the counselor never has to submit a letter. Many simply choose to do so for the written evaluation part.</p>

<p>true, but what exactly does the counselor have to write for the midyear report?</p>

<p>late reply, but at the top of the 2nd page of the Midyear Report forms, it says: “If any of the information on this page has changed for this student since the Secondary School Report was submitted, please enter the new information in the appropriate section below. If your recommendation for this student has changed, please comment in the space below or on a separate sheet. If nothing has changed, you may leave this page blank. However, your signature is still required on page 1.”</p>

<p>hope that helps.</p>

<p>thanks pian0jazz, that cleared up everything!</p>