
<p>JUSTT KIDDING! okay now that i got your attention..</p>

<p>I received 2 recommendations and was able to see both of them. Rec 1 has a better letter but the check marks (on the supplement) are lower than Rec 2 which has a worse letter but better check marks. Which should I submit?</p>

<p>why not both?</p>

<p>We are not amused.</p>

<p>Ask Pamela Anderson to write you one with a good letter and nice check marks.</p>

<p>I knew this was bogus the minute I saw it. Getting a letter of rec from Pam Anderson is like getting a letter of rec from Mike Tyson. lol Thericwu, you don't speak for everybody. Personally I say bravo for the clever thought and catching everyone's eye at minimum lol. Just like the Simpsons, "Free that I have your attention......" lol</p>

<p>To answer your question, I would submit both. I think having a balanced rec would be good.</p>

<p>Haha apples.</p>

<p>send both, yo.
but if you REALLY wanted to pick one, unless the 2nd one has checkmarks of "best in my career," I'd say stick to the first one. then again, the 2nd one's 'worse-ness' is probably due to writing ability?</p>

<p>if you can, send both. but i really think a good rec is far better than good checkmarks.</p>


<p>I think the better letter is the better decision, if you can only pick one- the admissions counselors know that some teachers are pretty harsh when it comes to the check marks, and ultimately, they'll remember the perhaps glowing anecdotes your teacher offered in his/her letter instead.</p>

<p>yea the marks are at "best ever"..</p>