Recommendations ... Uh Oh

<p>I'm looking to transfer from NYU, as a junior, because my parents won't cosign my loans as the school is entirely too expensive.</p>

<p>However, I didn't find this out until AFTER spring semester ended and I was back at home.
I don't really see how I'm going to be able to get recommendation letters from my professors ... I didn't really befriend any of my professors, considering I did not think I would be looking for recommendations, and I was only there for a year, during which I was going through a really awful period of my life, not to mention I'm super shy.</p>

<p>Without recommendation possibilities, what am I to do? I'm a good student, looking to apply to good schools, but I'm quite positive the majority of the schools I'll want to apply to will require rec's ...</p>

<p>If I have been out of school for a semester, will they still require rec. letters?</p>

<p>If you are going to transfer as a junior, how have you only completed one year at NYU?</p>

<p>You should contact the schools you are interested in, and see if they will accept LORs from non professors in your situation. (Say… a religious leader, an employer, or someone else who knows you well). </p>

<p>If not, you could either try emailing your professors requesting a LOR, and ideally arrange a meeting in person. If they agree, you would want to provide a resume and maybe something written about you that help the professor get to know you. Alternatively, you could take a few classes at a community college and get to know professors there. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>