
<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>I am starting to apply for universities and I had a question about recommendations.
Many people say they should get 1 recommendation from a core subject teacher and 1 from a less-core subject teacher.
I take 6 IB classes and out of them, 3 are HL and 3 are SL.
Would it make sense if I got one from an HL class teacher and 1 from a SL class teacher?
Or should they be both HL to increase my chances?</p>

<p>Any help would be much appreciated!</p>

<p>The IB level really shouldn’t play into it. I’d pick two teachers who know you well (and like you) in classes that are relevant to your interested major. You can never go wrong with Math and Science. Think about a third recommendation as well, many schools want 2 but will allow another 1 or 2. In a third case, I’d pick a language instructor or a humanities.</p>

<p>@NEPatsGirl‌ Thank you for your reply, I hope you don’t mind me asking a few more questions.</p>

<p>My preferred major is business/economics.
My school doesn’t offer business classes, so I’m deciding to have my recommendations written by my economics, chinese, and personal school counselor, how does that seem to you?</p>

<p>How about a math instructor?</p>

<p>@nepatsgirl I take SL math but I didn’t get an amazing grade for it like I did for chinese. Furthermore, I wasn’t as close to my math instructor that much. But I do have other standardised test scores showing my math proficiency. I know I’ll get a good recommendation from my chinese teacher for sure, do you think my choices are alright?</p>

<p>If Math isn’t your strong subject, I think picking instructors who know you best (and of course like you lol) are the right choices. The colleges can see your aptitude by the numbers but they can’t get a feel for the “person” you are until they read your recommendations.</p>