Recommended transger gpa for CSU San Luis Obispo?

I’m transferring from a cc as a comp sci major. What gpa do transfers that are selected have?
I currently have a 3.3 but will have a 3.45 or 3.5 when applying. Is this a competitive enough gpa?

SLO is one of the more difficult transfer targets in CA. Like all the CSUs give priority to ‘local’ transfer applicants. They also have a small number of openings for transfers each year. (just 1700 last year,less than 500 in Engineering).
Complicating matters, they are currently over-enrolled, suggesting even fewer transfer admits next year.

For CS, if you are ‘Local’ you’ll need about a 3.5 and a few more things to be competitive. Non Local, probably closer to 3.7

TAG actually makes most of the UCs an easier target. You should certainly apply to SLO but, note, it is unlikely with your stats. How does Santa Cruz or CPP sound?