Regarding AP Scores

<p>In high school i took AP Stat and received a 3 out of 5 on the test. This fulfills my IGETC requirement for Area 2. Since my #1 school to get into is Cal, i was told by one college counselor that it would be a good idea if i took Statistics during the semester at my community college because they would rather see a better score than a 3 and would want to see an “A” on my transcript instead. I was told by another counselor that it really doesn’t matter, and that there is no need for me to take the class. </p>

<p>On my UC apps i put down that i took the AP and scored a 3, and that i was planning on taking Stat during the semester. I can go back and tell them i won’t be taking Stat during the semester if i don’t need it.</p>

<p>So what should i do? Am i wasting my time taking it again or will it help me out with admissions if i take it again and go for an A?</p>

<p>I would contact the department/college at UCB to see if for graduation purposes you will need to take statistics for a letter grade. Also, you might want to contact any professional/graduate level programs you might be interested in to ask the same question.</p>

<p>Depends on what you plan to major in.</p>