? regarding Fall Sorority Recruitment

In looking on the Panhellenic website I see that the fall recruiting actually starts in early August before regular scheduled move-in day (based on the 2016 schedule that is there). So this means that a girl wanting to rush for fall semester needs to get to campus the first week in Aug?? My D was interested in doing one of the Honors Action programs, it seems that she would need to chose one over the other…am I reading this correctly??? If she does not rush in the fall when would be the next chance she would have? Any info would be great! TIA!!

They are definitely at the same time. If she wants to join a sorority, it’s probably best that she does recruitment. She could go through recruitment next year, but there’s a much better chance of getting a bid as a freshman from what I understand. I know there are situations where some sororities might still be able to give out bids after recruitment, and there is at least one sorority that doesn’t do formal recruitment at the same time as the others, but my daughter never wanted to join a sorority so I’m really not all that familiar with the whole process. The benefit of the Honors Action programs is that it gives kids an opportunity to meet other students and acclimate to campus before everyone arrives and classes begin. A girl who is going through recruitment is going to meet other girls and acclimate to campus. It’s different from the Honors Action programs, but it serves much of the same purpose. I know of one girl who did both (several years ago), so there may be others who do that, but it was exhausting for her and she missed some of the events and probably cost herself some invitations back to some of the sororities. I would pick one or the other, and if joining a sorority is a priority, choose recruitment.

thank you @BethsMom that is what I figured…she will most likely pick the recruitment for the reasons you mentioned above. I do like the idea that it is all done before classes start.

It is not that difficult to get a bid as a sophomore as long as you are not dead set on accepting a bid from one of just a few sororities (and there are no guarantees of that even as a freshman). To tell you the truth, I’d go through the action program this year, and recruitment as a sophomore. It would give her a broader range of experiences and friends, and save you a year of very expensive sorority fees and dues - and I say that as a gung-ho Greek system supporter! But ultimately it’s up to you and her. After formal recruitment, a few sororities do pledge a few more through a process called Continuous Open Bidding (COB). This happens in the fall, and in the spring. You never know which group will pledge - it depends on who doesn’t come back after winter break. She could even sign up for it, possibly visit a few houses and meet people, but not pledge anywhere. Might give her some connections and experience for going through formal recruitment in the fall.
We have a Facebook group for parents of Prospective New Members (PNMs) and current members of sororities, Please join us!