Is Honors Action at the same time as rush?

I plan to attend alabama honors college in the fall and i was just wondering if doing both rush and honors action was possible? I would love to be in a sorority but I would also like to get involved in the honors college and meet my fellow students! Thanks in advance (:

They are at the same time. We just attended an honors information session during our recent visit and this specific question was asked. Unfortunately you can’t do both.

I know of a few girls who did Honors Action 1st year and then went through sorority rush 2nd year. They are in sororities now and, from what their parents report, they seem to be happy with the way things worked out. (Some schools don’t even allow first semester freshmen to rush, which seems very smart IMHO.)

Recruitment and the Actions are during the same week. I know of at least one girl who successfully did both (this was a few years ago; I’m not sure if it’s still permitted). I certainly wouldn’t recommend doing both, though. It would be exhausting and you’d probably foreclose some sorority options. My daughter did Outdoor Action back in 2012 and loved it, but she had no interest in Greek life. If you want to join a sorority, I think going through recruitment would be the way to go. You will meet plenty of honors students through sorority recruitment. I suspect there are more Honors College girls participating in recruitment than there are doing the Actions.

I know one girl who did it successfully, but she was constantly running around and couldn’t fully participate in either, leaving everything early to get to the other event. It worked out for her but she said the week was very very stressful.