Is it too late for my daughter to join a sorority for the fall?

<p>My daughter has been very unclear about her college choice, but is leaning towards UA now. She also had previously been uninterested in a sorority, but has changed on that idea completely. So she missed the panhellenic preview day and this weekend. I read that there is a recruitment the week before school starts. Is it too late for her to see the sororities and try to get a bid? If it is not, what steps should she take? Thanks for any info you can provide.</p>

<p>No it’s not too late at all. Unfortunately she will not be able to see the sororities until formal Recruitment which begins August 9th in the evening with convocation. Your first move is to start securing recommendations for each of the houses. There are 17 NPC sororities but only 16 go through Formal Recruitment. The first hing you and your daughter need to do is to put together her sorority resume. This is not the same as a work related resume. Next you will need to contact alumnae women from each of the 16 chapters (they do not have had t attend Alabama but must be alums in good standing) and ask if they would be willing to fill out their chapters REC or RIF form and send it in in her behalf. Start asking everyone and anyone you know if they were in a sorority in college. I would go onto the UA Panhellenic website and make a spreadsheet of the sororities which will help you keep track of what recs you have and what recs you need.
Once women say they will write her a rec (fill out the form) then you will put together “rec packets” which contain a copy of your daughters resume, two pictures of her (a head shot and a full body shot), a copy of her transcript, a letter introducing herself, why she choose ALabama and what about Greek life interests her and how she will get involved, an addressed and stamped envelope for the alum to mail her rec and other items to the sorority chapter she is affiliated with (these addresses can be found on the UA Panhellenic website under Chapter Profiles)and finally a hand written thank you note.
This is a time consuming process and I would suggest you start now. If you need help pm me and I will be happy to share my contact info. There are lots of parents on here who have daughters in a sorority or are going through the process. We are all happy to help! Just ask!! Hope this helps…it just addresses the beginning of the process. REcs are important…you need at least 1 and I always tell girls 2 is better. Rest assured there are girls who do not go to either Preview or Invite Teas and still get bids.</p>

<p>Thank you, thank you!!! I will pm you for more info, too. Which of the sororities does not go through formal recruitment and why not? Is the letter introducing herself sent to the sorority or recommender? If anyone can help with recs, it would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>How to find recs:<br>
Ask on your Facebook page if any of your friends were in a sorority and if they would be willing to do a rec for your daughter.<br>
Have your daughter ask her friends if their mothers were in a sorority and if they would rec for her. She could also post the question on her own facebook.<br>
Have your daughter ask all of her past and present teachers, school counselors, employers, etc if they were in a sorority and would be willling to write a rec for her.
Ask around at your work and same goes for other parent and other close family.<br>
Look up the local Panhellenic chapter in your area and see if they are having any events coming up for girls interested in joining a sorority. Attend! And register with them!</p>

<p>You may be surprised just how many ladies you all know that were in a sorority.</p>

<p>I agree with TxNewCollegeMom. You would be surprised how many people you and/or your daughter know that were in a sorority! The local Panhellenic was gold mine! They did recs for every sorority! Then my D would get outside recs from friends for all the sororities that she really liked. She only got one extra one unless she REALLY liked the sorority then she would try to get 2 more just in case one of her others failed through. Her package included her resume; 2 pictures like Alphimommy said, the sorority recommendation form if she could find it for them and it wasn’t submitted online, a envelope addressed and stamped and a thank you note. She did not include her transcript in every package because her resume had the information and she submitted it with her UA sorority registration (but she did with her local Panhellenic packages)
Recruitment is scary and stressful but my D knows tons of out of state girls that got a bid and are very happy! A lot of them did not attend spring recruitment because they did not know that early that they were attending Bama. My D’s advice from the other side is “Please talk, ask questions and carry a conversation!” She is so surprised how quiet the girls are and it makes it hard to carry a conversation when she gets one word answers to her questions!</p>

<p>My OOS DD did not attend preview weekend or the party invites but followed ahpimommy’s advice and common sense and is now happily in a sorority just like collegeboom’s DD. Take a deep breath. Your DD is not disadvantaged. Only advice I can to add to the “talk and carry on a conversation” is to follow the dress guidelines and encourage your DD not to wear clothes that are too tight, too short or too revealing.</p>

<p>Thanks to all! Your advice is wonderful and much appreciated.</p>