Registering as an Engineering Transfer

<p>So I'm behind on the Mechanical Engineering track, mainly because of Linear Algebra and Vector Geometry. These two classes supposedly closes the door to the majority of the classes I need. So I'm planning on taking it Fall 2013.</p>

<p>My friend has 'advised' me to just register into Multivariable Calc and/or Differential Equations, claiming his friend had done it successfully. I tried it out, and lo and behold, I was able to register into it knowing I don't have the prerequisites completed.</p>

<p>Has anyone done this and gotten away with it? I am slightly anxious of whatever consequences may occur. I tried searching the site, but this is obviously cheating the system.</p>

<p>Both classes use material covered in either one or both Linear Algebra or Multi. I personally wouldn’t advise doing it without taking those classes first.</p>

<p>But, Linear Algebra and Vector are both pretty easy and I’m sure you could pick up the material quickly if you didn’t want to wait. I wouldn’t advise it though.</p>

<p>You can do that for a lot of classes for a bunch of different departments. Not sure why some classes are unaffected by prereqs on drop add but I’m pretty sure it’s just an error. But from what I heard from my adviser, they eventually kick you out if the prerequisites are not met. </p>

<p>I would just do both vector and linear this upcoming fall, multi or diff eq in the spring and do the other in the summer. That’s what I did this past year.</p>