Registration Instructions

<p>Are the below instructions from UA registration website correct and the most expedient way to register for classes at Bama Bound? I don’t see the “Register” at the bottom of the page link. Will that link show up at Registration? Can you just go directly to “Add or Drop Classes” and plug in the CRN. Just looking for advice from the veterans. Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>Registration Instructions</p>

<p>Go to the site.</p>

<p>Log into the site using your BAMA username and password. The BAMA username is part of your email address. For example, in <a href=“”></a>-Smith001 is the BAMA username.</p>

<p>Click on the Student or the Academics Tab.</p>

<p>In the Banner Self-Services channel (upper left hand corner of the page), access the Student Resources menu.</p>

<p>Click the menu item entitled “Registration” to begin.</p>

<p>Click the menu item entitled “Look Up Classes”.</p>

<p>Select a subject (or click and drag with your mouse to select all subjects) and any other search criteria you want to use. A subject must always be selected for a search.
Once you’ve found your class, check the box to the left to select it. If there is a “C” in this space, then the class section is closed.</p>

<p>Once you’ve checked the box, click “Register” at the bottom of the page.</p>

<p>Repeat the process for your entire schedule.</p>

<p>To view your schedule, click on the link entitled “Week at a Glance” in the Registration menu. This calendar reflects our semester schedule. As classes begin on a Wednesday, the first week shown starts all classes starting on Wednesday. To see the full schedule, click the “Next Week” link</p>

<p>At Bama Bound they will “walk” your student through this process. There will be UA advisers there as well as student advisers to help with the process. No worries…really…it will go smoothly. After you register then you will be able to view your complete schedule at MyBama and make additions, switches or corrections as need be.</p>

<p>Actually the easiest way is to go to Add or Drop classes on MyBama (home page of mybama)</p>

<p>Select Fall 2011</p>

<p>The Add or Drop classes page opens</p>

<p>Scroll down to bottom of page</p>

<p>Then put all of the CRN numbers in the little boxes on the bottom. (those are the 5 digit numbers. Not the course number like 103-02…no…the CRN number will be something like 45768</p>

<p>Then click … Submit Changes</p>

<p>This is fast, but you need to have all your CRN’s ready.</p>

<p>Also have back up number in case a desired class fills while you’re in the process of selecting all your desired choices. If one of the classes becomes filled, your other choices will register, and you’ll get a message about the filled class. It will also let you know if you’re accidentally registering and have a time conflict.</p>

<p>BTW…the above instructions will not be available to you until the registration hold is lifted on Day 2 of your Bama Bound.</p>

<p>Related question: I know there’s an option for changing your major. But what if you want to keep your major and add a second one (double major)? How do you do that? And, if you double major, do you also need to do a minor? Or does the double major count for the minor requirement? (DS’s major has a minor requirement…that’s why I’m asking.)</p>

<p>Sorry if this question’s confusing…am typing in haste.</p>

<p>An incoming frosh can’t declare a second major before school starts. After school starts, he can. </p>

<p>and, I’m rather certain that a second major fulfills the “minor” req’t. However, to be sure, I would email the dept of your son’s first major and ask.</p>

<p>Thanks, mom2ck!!</p>

<p>There is currently no “register” button at the bottom because they have every class locked out right now. Once the lockout is lifted you’ll see an empty square box next to the classes that have openings and the register button will be at the bottom of the page.</p>

<p>Just a quick FYI for upperclassmen hoping to get some open classes on second day of Bama Bound. If you’re really worried about timing, go there today and check for classes. There is a new popup that requires you to reverify your contact info for next year before you can search for classes. No big thing but a bit of a time-killer so you might want to do it ahead. RTR!</p>

<p>Thanks for the heads up, AL! Not looking for open classes, but we’ll take care of that before math professors are announced.</p>

<p>On the same note - looks like upperclassmen aren’t able to add/delete course until 12:15p on second day of BamaBound so by then freshmen will have had their picks.</p>

<p>I’m an incoming freshman so do I have to wait until my Bama Bound session (June 13-14) to register for classes? I’m in UHP and I’m worried about getting some of the classes that I want because I wasn’t able to attend any of the ‘Honors’ designated Bama Bound sessions since we go to school later in the spring up here in the Northeast. I basically have chosen which classes I want to take (including an Honors Seminar and another Honors class) and its not letting me Add/Drop classes on myBama yet? Thanks for the help</p>

<p>You can’t register until your BB.</p>

<p>Don’t worry…you’ll get classes.</p>

<p>many honors kids can’t go to the earlier BBs. </p>

<p>Which classes are you interested in?</p>

<p>Judicial Procedure (Honors Freshmen Seminar), Honors EC 110, MATH 121, GY 101, Southern Football (Honors Freshmen Exploratory), and then a computer or foreign language class, I haven’t made up my mind yet</p>

<p>I have a question. Is there a place where you can see not only the classes (and their scheduled days/times) but ALSO see a written overview description of the class? I can’t seem to find that anywhere?</p>

<p>I have found the page where you can look up the classes for Fall 2011 but some of them sound intriguing from their titles but a little more information would be helpful…</p>

<p>Two places -
for Honors College offerings detailed descriptions -
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>for brief descriptions use the course catalog -
Log into MyBama
Academics Tab
Five lines down = course catalog, lets you search entire catalog.</p>

<p>Southern Football??? is that a 1 c honors class?</p>

<p>Yes sir. I didnt see it on the main listing of honors seminars but my dad found it and I was like hell yeah</p>

<p>^^^If this was Facebook, I’d be hitting the Like button. Can’t you just see the extra credit options for this class?</p>

<p>Transfer Student Question: I was told to bring a card or check book for Bama Bound. How much should I have in my account? Or how much do o need it bring???</p>