Registration Questions/Class Recs for Freshmen

Hey everyone,

I’m most likely going to attend UT in the fall and I can’t find any great threads on the registration process.

A few questions to start us off:
What are the best classes to knock out the required flags and other requirements? Any suggestions for fun electives?

Do the requirements change based on which college you are in? If so, I’d like some recommendations for McCombs Freshmen.

Also, do I have a better shot at getting into the best classes if I go to an earlier registration?

Thanks in advance for any insight; I’ll post more questions as I come into them.

It is too early to start looking at classes yet. FIGs for 2016 are not posted. Schedule for Fall 2016 is not posted.
And they will explain all the requirement at summer orientation.

  1. Yes, the requirements change based on college. Different colleges have different flag requirements, for example.

  2. As a McCombs person, you are REQUIRED to be in a FIG. Unfortunately, most of these are generic FIGs with your standard freshman classes, not the cool ones they have in COLA.

  1. Some hunting will yield classes that can cover BOTH a flag and a core requirement. For example, some of the UGS 303 classes also carry a writing flag, some don’t.

  2. Online sources like reddit give honest answers about classes/profs that are good/not good. Search “ut” + course/prof name + “reddit”.

  3. You certainly DO have the best shot of getting what you want by attending an earlier orientation.

If you have AP credit for the classes in the FIG, I assume you can just register for the FIG class?

When you sign for FIG you have to take all the classes in that FIG together with other students.
It’s the main purpose of this program and the others in 360. - to create some small communities so students will not get lost. They will get mentor, will make friends, they often have study groups together.
If you already have AP credit for one of FIG classes chose another FIG.