Registration questions

<p>Bunch of questions as registration is next week.
S has “44 overall credits” & “56 credits applied” Which one determines date?
I see from DW that he requires one L class, there isn’t a lot to chose from. Any thoughts about Eng 205 or 215(honors) & they really don’t get W credit for this? I assume there will be a lot of writing.
If S is a psych major will he really need one SB like DW indicates. Wouldn’t all the psych classes cover the SB requirement?</p>

<p>I think the 44 is the one. I think the other number is including “credits in progress”. Registration only counts completed credits.</p>

<p>EN 205 - easy A.
EN 215 - have to work hard for an A-</p>

<p>A class has to have at least a 300 number to have a W assoc with it…and, of course, most 300/400 do not have a W.</p>

<p>The req’t is that a student must complete 6 credits of classes in upper division (300/400) and they must have a W designation.</p>

<p>Plus…any class that fulfills the L requirement could not also fulfill the W req’t anyway. You can’t double count a class in Core.</p>

<p>My older son took Honors English Lit I and did get an A+, but he’s a strong writer and strong in English Lit (had excellent teachers in HS). And, he LOVES to read.</p>

<p>Much will depend on the prof. I think my son’s prof was Dr. Reynolds.</p>

<p>I am interested in the comment about EN 205 and EN 215. My D is planning on taking one of those as a 1st semester freshman since she’ll have credit for the lower level English classes and she is an english major. EN 215 is just the honors version of EN 205 correct? Which would be better for an english major to take?</p>

<p>Linny…I would say it depends on who the prof is and whether your D wants to have an honors English class. Does that Dept have any kind of special honors recognition? If so, then she’ll want the honors.</p>

<p>my EN 215 class is about 40% freshman English majors… the others are various majored sophomores.</p>

<p>Has anyone noticed that the honors history classes (HY 150, 106, 205, 206) are listed as having a capacity of 5? They’re supposed to have a limit of 25, right? I wanted to sign up for HY205, but now am worried that the spots will be taken (since it’s listed as having only 5) by the time I can. If this is a mistake, who would I contact to ask if it will be changed?</p>

<p>Frosh honors classes will get seats added for each Honors Bama Bound. Right now there may only be 5 seats, but there will be more.</p>

<p>For regular classes, more seats will get added for each BB.</p>



<p>Just wanted to comment on this because I’m a freshman English major. I took EN 210 last semester and I’m taking EN 205 this semester. Although I haven’t taken an Honors Lit course yet, I would guess the difference between the classes would be the caliber of the students. I am entirely confident that they don’t necessarily mean a better professor; I have had two wonderful professors for my non-honors classes. The advantages of taking honors would probably be a) More freshmen in the class, more English majors, students more interested in and proficient in English and b) Eligibility for the honors program in English. However, I can’t stress enough that I have had wonderful experiences in both my lit classes that weren’t honors, so I don’t think you can go wrong either way!</p>


<p>Regina…glad to hear that you’re enjoying your English major.</p>
