Honors seminars & registration

<p>S missed his priority reg time, now all the UH seminar classes he would like are booked. A couple have 1 or 2 WL spots. Is that with doing? With 15 max & 15 on the WL I can’t imagine that you will get off the WL?</p>

<p>And there are some that just show 0/0. Does that mean those classes aren’t going to be offered? I think Adv Photo has 1 person registered at -1.</p>

<p>0/0 may be for incoming frosh only and won’t have spots til Bama Bound.</p>

<p>The classes with 15 on the WL may not work out. </p>

<p>If you do select to be on the WL, make sure you leave that time spot open otherwise you’ll never get in.</p>

<p>If there are just a couple on the WL it’s worth doing. Some forget to leave that time open so they will get skipped over if an opening happens.</p>

<p>Your son should also consider some other honors classes…there are some hidden gems that he may not have considered. What does he still need for Core?</p>

<p>He needs an L & 1 more FA, that’s it for core. Oh he does have the 2W’s but I was assuming he could get those with upper level classes in his major. </p>

<p>He still doesn’t have the advisor hold off of his account, so he won’t have a lot of choices next week I think. #poor planning He wanted to take one honors course , so he would only have 7 credits instead of 10 to complete later. I’m suggesting honors Econ or Eng Lit if he can’t find a UH that he wants to take, but he’s concerned they will be too hard.</p>

<p>He was planning on doing the next level of online art, but they aren’t allowing non-distance students to register until July. This must be a new policy so the distance students can get the classes they need. So, not sure if that will be available in July.</p>

<p>*He needs an L & 1 more FA, that’s it for core. *</p>

<p>He only needs 3 FA credits, and doesn’t he have that with Arts of Tuscaloosa? He can take another, but he wouldn’t have to take a FA class. Within the Humanities section, he can take a HU class instead to get the 12 credits.</p>

<p>12 semester hours of courses approved for the humanities, literature, and fine arts (HU, L, & FA) designation to include 3 semester hours of courses approved for the fine arts (FA) designation and 3 semester hours of courses approved for the literature (L) designation*</p>

<p>The below classes can be used to fulfill the HU or L req’t. Plus, the classes within the Honors College that have the HU designation</p>

<p>Subject Number Class Name Type

  • AAST 249 African American Literature HU or L
    AMS 150 Arts and Values HU
    AMS 151 World, Nations, Regions HU
  • AMS 203 Southern Lives HU
  • AMS 204 Western American Lives HU
    AMS 205 Working Lives HU
  • AMS 231 Contemporary American HU
    AMS 232 Contemporary American in Music HU
    ARH 151 Introduction to the Visual Arts FA
    ARH 252 Survey of Art I FA
    ARH 253 Survey of Art II FA
    ARH 254 Survey of Art III FA
  • ART 251 Reboot/Remix FA or HU</p>

<p>BEF 155 Freshman Seminar HU

  • BUI 101 Foundations: Origins HU</p>

<li> CHI 101 Elementary Chinese I HU</li>
<li> CHI 102 Elementary Chinese II HU</li>
<li> CHI 201 Intermediate Chinese I HU</li>
<li><p>CHI 202 Intermediate Chinese II HU</p></li>
<li><p>CIP 200 Introduction to Global Studies HU</p></li>

<p>CL 222 Greek and Roman Mythology HU</p>

<p>COM 100 Rhetoric and Society HU
COM 121 Honors Critical Decision Making HU
COM 122 Critical Decision Making HU
COM 123 Public Speaking HU

  • COM 155 Freshman Seminar HU
    COM 210 Oral Interpretation of Literature HU</p>

<li> EN 155 Freshman Seminar FA
EN 205 English Literature I HU or L
EN 206 English Literature II HU or L
EN 207 World Literature I HU or L
EN 208 World Literature II HU or L
EN 209 American Literature I HU or L
EN 210 American Literature II HU or L
EN 215 Honors English Literature I HU or L
EN 216 Honors English Literature II HU or L
EN 219 Honors American Literature I HU or L
EN 220 Honors American Literature II HU or L</li>
<li> EN 249 African American Literature HU or L</li>

<p>FA 200 Introduction to Fine Arts FA</p>

<p>FR 101 Elementary French I HU
FR 102 Elementary French II HU
FR 103 French First Year Review HU
FR 201 Intermediate French I HU
FR 202 Intermediate French II HU</p>

<p>GN 101 Elementary German I HU
GN 102 Elementary German II HU

  • GN 103 Accelerated Elementary German I HU
    GN 201 Intermediate German I HU
    GN 202 Intermediate German II HU
    GN 260 The Holocaust in Film and Literature HU
  • GN 264 German Literature in Translation I HU or L
  • GN 265 German Literature in Translation II HU or L</p>

<p>GR 101 Beginning Greek I HU
GR 102 Beginning Greek II HU</p>

<p>IT 101 Introductory Italian I HU
IT 102 Introductory Italian II HU
IT 201 Intermediate Italian I HU
IT 202 Intermediate Italian II HU</p>

<li> JA 101 Elementary Japanese I HU</li>
<li> JA 102 Elementary Japanese II HU</li>
<li> JA 201 Intermediate Japanese I HU</li>
<li> JA 202 Intermediate Japanese II HU</li>

<p>JN 200 Introduction to Journalism HU</p>

<p>LA 101 Elementary Latin I HU
LA 102 Elementary Latin II HU
LA 201 Intermediate Latin Reading I HU
LA 202 Intermediate Latin Reading II HU</p>

<p>MUS 121 Introduction to Listening FA
MUS 250 Music in World Cultures FA</p>

<li> NEW 155 Freshman Seminar HU
NEW 211 Humanities I: Perspectives HU
NEW 212 Humanities I: Creativity HU or FA
NEW 215 Humanities I: Perspectives in Environmental Studies HU</li>

<p>PHL 100 Introduction to Philosophy HU

  • PHL 104 Critical Thinking HU
    PHL 105 Honors Introduction to Philosophy HU
    PHL 200 Ethics HU
    PHL 201 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy HU
    PHL 202 Honors Introductory Ethics HU
  • PHL 217 Aesthetics FA
    PHL 220 Political Philosophy HU
    PHL 223 Medical Ethics HU
  • PHL 235 American Philosophy HU
    PHL 251 Renaissance and Modern Philosophy HU
  • PHL 252 Mind and Nature HU</p>

<p>REL 100 Introduction to Religions Studies HU
REL 101 Western Approaches to the Problem of Evil HU

  • REL 105 Honors Introduction to Religious Studies HU
    REL 110 Introduction to Hebrew Bible HU
    REL 112 Introduction to the New Testament HU
    REL 220 Survey of Asian Religions HU
    REL 224 Introduction to Judaism HU</p>

<p>RUS 101 Elementary Russian I HU
RUS 102 Elementary Russian II HU
RUS 201 Intermediate Russian I HU
RUS 202 Intermediate Russian II HU
RUS 223 19th Century Russian Literature in Translation HU or L
RUS 224 Modern Russian Literature in Translation HU or L</p>

<p>SP 101 Introductory Spanish I HU
SP 102 Introductory Spanish II HU
SP 103 Intensive Review Introductory Spanish HU

  • SP 104 Spanish for Engineering HU
    SP 201 Intermediate Spanish I HU
    SP 202 Intermediate Spanish II HU</p>

<p>TCF 112 Motion Picture History and Criticism HU or FA</p>

<p>TH 114 Introduction to Theatre FA</p>

<p>UH 101 Survey: Values and Society HU

  • UH 155 Freshman Seminar HU
    UH 201 Classics and Western Culture I HU
    UH 202 Classics and Eastern Culture HU
  • UH 203 Classic and Western Culture II HU
  • UH 210 Honors Fine Arts FA
    UH 331 Save First: Pverty in America HU
    UH 332 Bridge Builders of Alabama HU
    UH 333 Every Move Counts ChessED Project HU
    UH 334 Documenting Justice I HU
    UH 335 Documenting Justice II HU
    UH 350 Black Belt Experience HU</p>

<p>WL 207 World Literature I HU or L
WL 208 World Literature II HU or L
WL 223 19th Century Russian Literature in Translation HU or L
WL 224 20th Century Russian Literature in Translation HU or L</p>

<p>WS 200 Introductory to Women Studies HU</p>

<li>UA Only - not currently a State-wide (AGSC) approved core course</li>

<p>Home » Core Curriculum » Core Curriculum – General Studies Course Listing</p>

<p>Son took TCF 112 and loved it.</p>

<p>He has already taken 2 FA’s, so he was going to take another and then an L for the 12. Does that make sense?</p>

<p>He has 6 credits of history from AP. He’s going to take Econ or Sociology for SB.</p>

<p>Malani, what is tcf?</p>

<p>TCF is Telecommunication and Film. See m2ck’s list above for TCF 112.</p>