<p>I planned out a schedule and on thursday I have 4 classes from 1-9, which is brutal. From 4:25-9, this is EGR10. I'm not entirely sure if I want to do engineering, or which engineering I want to do, but should I still take this class? Is it worth adding all the extra time, or should I try and shuffle my schedule up? Everything else seems to work pretty well.</p>
<p>And if I should take EGR10, is it relatively easy? It's only a half credit course, and I've heard it's just an intro to all types of engineering, but why the three hour lab? Btw, it's only offered in one time slot.</p>
<p>Also, I'm interested in Poly Sci, Pub Policy, and Econ, and I want to take some courses in my freshman year to decide what I want to major in. Do you think that ECON51D would be good take first semester, in place of Chem? Then I can take Chem second semester.</p>
<p>Other than that, how does this schedule sound? Prospective MechE as of now with possibility in double major with one of the above fields.</p>
<p>MATH32 (should I be taking Math32L?)
<p>4.5 credits.</p>