
<p>after reading so many of you guys write your credentials, i would go back and re-read my columbia app again and again critiquing myself although i know that i already sent it in. what are you guys' thoughts after reading the final, sent-in app? </p>

<p>for me, </p>

<h1>1) found a typo</h1>

<h1>2) forgot that i can add a resume of all the activities i've done thru hs...not just the 5 i wrote down</h1>

<h1>3) the activities i've done/books ive read seem so typical.... sigh....</h1>


<p>to you #2 point, columbia specificly stated that when listing activities, limit to the space provided. which means they dont want a long list of everything you've ever done.</p>

<p>wow. youre number 2 scared the hell out of me for a split second.. JEEEEEEEZ</p>

<p>My counselor put a copy of my resume in the secondary school report, I think. I hope that's okay, she does it for everyone, every school.</p>

<p>As a parent of a past successful ED'er, I concur with what Lynda said: they really don't want extra stuff unless there's a very good reason for sending it. S gave them exactly and only what they asked for, and it was fine.</p>

<p>Best of luck to all of you!</p>