Regular Decision chances for a Junior (:

<p>Hello all,
I'm applying to Wellesley as early high school graduate; how do my chances look?</p>

<p>GPA: 3.9 and 4.6
Top 4% of class
Rank: 28/807 (will increase as soon as semester grades are in)
ACT: 31 (30E, 32M, 33R, 27S, 12W)</p>

<p>Freshmen Year:
AP Human Geography (Got a 4)
Algebra II Honors
English I Honors
Biology Honors
Latin I
Journalism: Newspaper Honors</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
AP World History (Got a 5)
English II Honors
Chemistry Honors
Latin II
Journalism: Newspaper Honors</p>

<p>Junior Year Schedule:
AP Statistics
AP Physics B
AP European History
AP US History
AP English Language and Composition
AP Calculus AB
Honors Gov't
English IV Honors</p>


<p>-Played three seasons of lacrosse
-Editor in Chief of a weekly bulletin published throughout the school
-staff writer on school newspaper
-Public Relations Officer in Model UN
-National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Beta Club, National Society of High School Scholars, Mu Alpha Theta
-Received National Scholastic Press Association Honor Roll in 2007 and 2008
-Volunteer at the hospital weekly (over 50+ hours)
-did over 70+ hours babysitting the nursery at church</p>

<p>-I live in Florida and attend a public high school in Orlando
-My essay is about how I live with my white grandparents (I'm Korean) and the diversity I have gained through this experience.
-Intended major is either engineering or premed</p>

<p>So how do my chances of getting accepted look? Does my graduating early have any affect on my admissions? Thank youu !
(Oh and congratulations to all those who were admitted early decision! You don't know how jealous I am of you (:</p>

<p>I think that your chances are pretty good. Your EC’s are excellent, your essay sounds great, and your ACT is ok. I think the biggest thing your app is riding on are the mid-year grades for all of the AP’s you took this year and letters of rec from junior year teachers that might not know you as well yet. I think graduating early could only help your chances…but I might be wrong. </p>

<p>Good Luck : )</p>

<p>… ‘the diversity I have gained’ …</p>

<p>What does that mean? How do you gain diversity? I think you have to express the idea behind this more carefully.</p>

<p>well my essay is mostly about how living with my grandparents have made me confront the differences between both American and Korean cultures. It’s about how I juggle my life between the two worlds that are quite different.</p>

<p>Oh and as for the mid year grades, they are all straight A’s and I do believe my class rank has increased. I just don’t know by how much.
Thank you for all your replies (:</p>

<p>Our first semester ended last week and my grades were straight A’s for all of my classes.</p>

<p>My GPA is now 3.9 and 4.9
My class rank is now 20/664 (96%)</p>

<p>Hopefully this will help my chances.</p>

<p>Your class rank is still not great, but you still have very good stats. I think it’s amazing that you’re only 20th in your class with a 4.9 weighted GPA. Anyways, I know a friend that graduated from Wellesley in 2006. She loved it and said that they had ice cream night every Friday. GOOD LUCK!!</p>