Regular Decision- Oh why so comptetive??

<p>It makes me sad... someone evaluate me</p>

Public School in NY VERY competitive
GPA: 94- School doesn't rank but top 10%
SAT: 1480
Math IC- 650
US History- 770
Writing- 720
Biology- 570 ouch--- Do they take the 3 highest SAT IIs only or look at all of them?</p>

<p>APs: Euro- 4
US History- 4
English Language- 3</p>

1- School Newspaper Opinions Editor
2- Yrbook Business/Advertising Editor
3- Cabaret Night Publicity Chair
4- President/Founder of Environmental Club
5- Varisity Fencer
6- Volunteer at Hospital- 210 hrs</p>

1- Washington Mutual- worked as teller
2- Grameen Bank- in Kosovo- Gives loans to poor women who cant earn a dollar a day without collateral so they could start their own businesses. Went to villages, faciliated in transactions- will talk about in essays and got an AMAZING recommendation from vice president of bank
3- IN THE FUTURE (summer 2005) will work for television station WSN in Kansas under the Business Department- will learn what kinds of news is important, how to decide what is shown, how to get revenue for the station-- this is valuable for me b/c i want to buy a TV station in the future like a struggling one and make it successful (should i mention this in my essays??)</p>

<p>Teachers Recs are prob good, decent, nothing spectacular</p>

<p>Senior Year Courses:
AP Physics
AP Calculus
AP Economics
AP Literature
College Accounting
Participation in Govt</p>

<p>My senior year grades aren't too great- alot of 80s :(</p>

<p>What are my chances for Duke??</p>

<p>bring up senior grades, i dont know what to tell u, it will probably come down to your essays and recommendations...</p>

<p>Great senior grades are necessary because you don't want to look like you caught that "senioritus." Great internships and jobs. What is it you're interested in doing, because I can't really see a direction in them?</p>

<p>They only take the top 3 SAT IIs. "Whatever makes your application look the strongest" is what they said at the admissions presentation. So that Bio shouldn't even matter.</p>