Regular Labs vs HHMI Lab?

My daughter was invited to apply for the HHMI Integrated Biology & Chemistry Lab as a freshman that meets twice a week. If anyone has participated in it, I would be curious to know how your work load compared to those students that opted for the regular labs instead. Thanks!

Mydaughter was also accepted into the HHMI Intergrated Biology & Chemistry Lab and is trying to decide. The deadline is tomorrow and so any replies would be appreciated.

this is probably really late but HHMI labs are “easier” in the sense that it is easier to get an A. However that doesnt mean they wont actually be learning. On the contrary they better prepare you esp if your daughter wants to persue research or attend graduate school. They also expose you to a lot of faculty members and helps make the connections between topics more clear to understand. Hope they both accepted this opportunity and I hope they enjoy the U!