Reilly Scholars Weekend

<p>My D just got an invite to REilly Visitation Weekend. Sure made her Christmas Eve.
I am not sure she understand how prestigious the invite is. Anyone else out there?</p>


<p>I got one too. I’m pretty excited, and I’d love to hear if anyone has more details than what was offered in the mailing.</p>

<p>It’s very prestigious, that’s for the top 10% of the incoming class. Basically if you get invited to that weekend, you’re in the honors program, from what I’ve heard. She should go to the weekend!</p>

<p>I got one as well. Come on, how on earth are we supposed to wait till March? That doesn’t seem very fair haha</p>

<p>My D just got her Reilly invite letter today. Was so excited. Had heard about the weekend, and was hoping she might be invited, along with Glynn Honors program. It is pretty prestigious–much like a recruiting weekend that D1 athletes get–only for academic achievement. The activities program looks interesting.</p>

<p>canon53 - if only they gave us the money like they give their D1 athletes. D is very excited but also very nervous.</p>

<p>Reilly Scholars is a wonderful op and honor for all. I would highly encourage you to participate in the weekend, if possible. It was indeed the tipping point for our own student almost 3 years ago in terms of his attending ND. We knew when we put him on the plane to fly there for Reilly weekend that he would come back with his mind made up to attend ND. If you qualify financially for aid, the scholarship money awarded is pretty good, as well, I think. Congrats to all!</p>

<p>Gymmom, I hear ya (too bad our D’s can’t kick field goals or something). Is your D nervous about ND or just the weekend. Either way people at ND (students especially) for the most part are very friendly/outgoing. The community spirit, often spoken of, is very real.</p>

<p>Hello all.</p>

<p>Those of you who received the notification for the weekend, can you tell me where you live please? I live in New York and on my acceptance letter it mentioned that I was a “ND Scholar” which then went on to say something about preference for financial aide. I did not receive a separate invitation for a visitation weekend. The reason why I am asking is because I am up for a full ride at BC for the Presidential Scholar Program and the visitation weekend is the same one. I do not want to make the travel arrangements if there is a chance of me getting in the program at ND. Thanks.</p>

<p>We live in Minnesota and received ours on December 24th. To Canon53 - D knew she wanted to attend ND the minute she stepped on campus as a 9th grader. I think she is nervous about the weekend for sure but also the whole moving away next fall.</p>

<p>gymmom2007, was your daughter named a notre dame scholar?</p>

<p>yes she was. From the info we received they invited about 100 or so to the Reilly Visitation weekend.</p>

<p>HI </p>

<p>I was admitted to ND and named a ND scholar. I got a letter from the engineering dept last week inviting me to a weekend for engineers. In the letter it says: “You will also have received information on the Reilly Scholars program which is in recognition of your superior academic achievements so far. These two programs are different so you should plan to attend both” I have not received anything from the Reilly thing. What do you think this letter means? Did anyone else get it?</p>

<p>You will probably receive a separate letter for Reillly Scholars, heels82.</p>

<p>heels82, I also got the engineering letter :slight_smile: but haven’t heard yet about the weekend, but ND mail also takes forever to get to me</p>

<p>There is really no program per se, beyond the weekend. I didn’t go because they had something separate for engineers last year, but the weekend is supposed to be very enjoyable and helps a lot of people make their decision to go to ND. Don’t make the mistake of assuming there’s special scholarship money or anything like that, though. These are not honors programs either. The Glynn Family and the Engineering Honors Program are the honors programs, but they’ll only invite you to apply for those.</p>

<p>There is no separate educational program as BPK is correct. There are according to our student, dinners/social gatherings from time to time. It is also an honor to be noted on diploma (from what we understand). Yes, the honors programs are separate and you are invited to apply with those. Reilly Scholar is a honor/way for ND to attract the very top students that have been accepted to ND, esp since ND does not offer any pure merit aid-it is all based on financial need. At least that is the way we looked at it.</p>

<p>the letter said that travel costs will be taken care of by the university, but does that include plane tickets and such or just travel costs once you’re in notre dame?</p>

<p>if notre dame does take care of plane tickets, how is that arranged?</p>

<p>If Notre Dame holds true to their pattern, travel costs include airfare. That said, they will pick two or three strategic departure cities, like LA, Chicago, and NY, and will pay the fare from any of those, but it’s up to you to cover the costs of getting to to one of those gateway cities. </p>

<p>That said, I might be completely off-base. It’s possible they will co-opt a bit of the cost if you’re driving from somewhere around the country or something like that. </p>

<p>You’re better off waiting for someone who’s done the weekend/program. They’ll know better than me.</p>

<p>Yes, all travel costs/expenses are covered for the weekend. As I recall, airline reservations were handled by ND; your are given a reservation confirmation number with the airline to check in and print ticket/boarding pass. ND will have transportation for you at the airport to assist you in travelling to the campus (vans). You are paired with a former Reilly Scholar and live with that student for the weekend in their respective dorm, eat in dining hall, etc. All expenses are covered except for (of course) any spending money you might need for the weekend (souvenirs, extra food money, etc.). It is a fabulous weekend and very informative!</p>