<p>Hey Everyone,</p>
<p>I might be naive, but I was wondering whether Cornell offers any reimbursement on travel expenses for visiting the campus once you have been accepted. I want to go visit the school, but my parents dont really want to pay the 700 dollar ticket+ a room in Ithaca. </p>
<p>No, I think we’d be in debt if we did 
I don’t know about the travel cost, but finding a room shouldn’t be too difficult because students usually host some prospective students 1 night. Though, I think the deadline passed for Cornell Days…</p>
<p>where are you coming from? eurasia? lol</p>
<p>you might be able to find a couch to crash on using craigs list or couch surfing websites…</p>
<p>though if you’re underage…not sure what your options are :<</p>