Rej to UCI and SB but accepted to UCSD?

<p>Okay so I got rejected from UCI and UCSB but accepted to UCSD. How does that work?</p>

<p>wow I dont think I’ve ever heard of anyone who was rejected to UCSB but got into UCSD.</p>

<p>Maybe you write HORRIBLE essays. Or have demonstrated leadership and volunteer hours, but they are both very bland.</p>

<p>i got rejected from SD and UCI but into UCSB… weird</p>

<p>It basically means:</p>

<li>You are ■■■■■■■■
<li>Your essays really suck</li>

<p>Congrats for getting in though!</p>

<p>I got accepted to UCSB and UCSD but rejected to UCI, and so did another person at my school. We’re both really confused! I doubt this person is a ■■■■■.</p>

<p>I was accepted to UCSD and UCI but not UCSB O.o? something is up XD</p>

<p>A lot of my friends got rejected from UCSB too…iono whats up with that! Thats so strange.</p>

<p>The average GPA/SAT scores for admits aren’t hugely different at the mid tier UCs and UCSD. I’ve seen many people report the same thing over the years I’ve been posting here.</p>

<p>ya. for me; accepted to UCSD, UCD, and UCI but rejected to UCSB. My mother went to UCSB as well. Very strange indeed.</p>

<p>UCSD uses a points system, while UCI and other UC’s use a holistic approach. SO while you may be screwed over with the points, the other UC’s deemed you worthy of admissions (and vice versa, if you were rejected). </p>

<p>But I’ll admit that when I heard the my friend was rejected SD but accepted LA (He’s class of 2013) I was pretty shocked, just as he was surprised. I guess times are changing.</p>

<p>Theory: perhaps everyone thinks that the other UC"s (non-LA/Cal) are easier and as a result send more applications there. This lowers the admit rate and causes these anomalies!</p>

<p>lets clear this up. first off i am not a ■■■■■. and secondly my essays did not suck.
i had a 34 ACT 2280 SAT 3.9 gpa
varsity soccer 2 years
vp of fbla(future business leaders of america) and founder
ASB treasurer
Student Body/Class council 4 years
Coached a youth soccer club team for 2 years
tons of hours of church community service
pretrial lawyer of mock trial (orange county champions)
club soccer 6 years 2 of which i was a captain.

<p>i would like to think i have a holistic appeal.</p>

<p>You have a 3.9 and a 2280. Your shock should be that UCI and UCSB rejected you, not that UCSD accepted you. People with stats like that should be getting Regents at those schools, not a reject letter.</p>

<p>As much as people would like to use a few examples of the point system at SD accepting rejects from other schools, a few outliers does not a conclusion make. 40% acceptance rate at SD v. 50% acceptance rate at SB with almost exactly the same applicant pool. UCSD might not be top tier (yet) but they certainly aren’t with the Aggies either. And all of this is besides the point. People need to stop making decisions based on a general school ranking and make it on location and their departmental undergraduate rankings.</p>

<p>^^ If those are your stats, I really cannot imagine how you would be rejected by UCI and SB…Looks like UCSD got it right though.</p>

<p>UCSD is better than UCI in every way (Academic-wise), and SB is only better in materials engineering, theoretical/applied physics, and SD’s equal in business economics. If your intended major is not one of those, do you really want to appeal?</p>