Reject Train Going Full Speed

@PurpleTitan Just an FYI, Case is Need Aware for all its students.

I would ask your research mentor to email the rec letter to your regional AO…do you think s/he will do that? If you have a really good relationship with your mentor, you might even ask them to call the AO directly. Your AO looks like it’s Onis Cheathams

The good thing is that NU considers DACA domestic residents for purposes of fin aid, so need blind

But would this need-blind situation be negated if I wrote in my additional information my circumstance (and status?). NU afaik also emailed me to send official documents stating that I was accepted for DACA.

And yeah my mentor and I are very close (he just matched to NU Medical School too haha!)

Not sure what you mean…did you give them info about needing financial aid, or that your EFC is 0, or just that you are DACA?

Interesting that they asked you for documentation, because the link in my post #41 says undocumented students do not need DACA status. Regardless, did you answer the email and send your documentation?

No, you are still in the international group so it won’t matter if you say you are on DACA or waiting for a green card. Does your father have his green card yet? If not, you are probably 6 months out from that date to get yours, at the earliest.

“Just an FYI, Case is Need Aware for all its students.”
If is need aware, and not need blind, Case review your acadamemic application and your financial aid application to give you acceptance.

@“International Dad” I knkw what Need Awarre means. I was replying to PurpleTitan since I see that he said my international status may change how my need for aid changes my chances compared to a US citizen or Perm.

@Mwfan1921 I did mention my financial struggles and my DACA status. My counselor recommended I did too since it was an importsnt part of my application - but the again, I’m probably the one or two students that he had to deal with this issue.

Yes I did respond!

@twoinanddone My father is a Permanant resident. We expect to get an interview (which I’ll have to fly out to S. Korea for) this summer.

@twoinanddone wrote:

This is not correct…OP is NOT in the international group at NU because they don’t delineate between domestic and international, from NU:

Beyond this, there are a number of private schools that consider DACA students as domestic students including Pomona, Swat, Bates, Emory, Carleton, to name but a few.

Say, did you apply to UIC?

@HKimPOSSIBLE some colleges take documented applicants as residentes applicants, not as internationals, are you applied at any College like those?
I thought you are gonna have good news in few days.

@MYOS1634 What do you think about OP communicating to his remaining schools that his dad is now a permanent resident, and that OP has applied for his green card via the immediate relative of a US citizen pathway?(Which should result in his getting perm residency within a year)

It does communicate an action orientation, positive mindset, and commitment to the US. Obviously it might not make a difference, but is easy to do and a valid reason for a communication with AOs. Thoughts?

@Mwfan1921: it’s a very good idea.
The result is likely to be an official letter indicating that, were he to be denied, he should wait and reaply with his new status. You may think it doesn’t change much - not for now, but it WILL next year when HKimPossible reapplies to the schools that sent this message, because it’ll be an important element in the reconsideration of his application.

There are some good suggestions on what the OP can do with his remaining schools. He can defer admissions and see how that goes. I think taking a gap year is the best, possibly only alternative for him, if he cannot afford to pay for college this year. Can’t squeeze water from a stone.

Now that he has first hand experienced how things work at US colleges, he can go through the college process again. Instead of all of the schools he chose with such high name recognition, I suggest he apply to schools that are looking students with high test scores and great academic promise, AND, most importantly, are willing to pay for those things. There are threads on this forum that list such schools. These include private schools that give a lot of merit money. If he wants to throw in a few High Reach choices again as well, that’s fine. But the focus of his college search should be on the likelihood of getting a full ride, or close to it , rather than the name recognition, prestige, selectivity of schools.

:slight_smile: That is good news for me! @MYOS1634 @Mwfan1921 Would you like to read what my additional info (that I already submitted) says and maybe give some insight on how I should handle this letter/additional info?

Thanks @MYOS1634

@HKimPOSSIBLE Can you send your remaining schools (today!) a note communicating your current status and that you will likely become a permanent resident within a year? Email directly to your regional AO at schools that you know who it is—use the school’s website and/or Naviance. At some schools, like MIT, it will go to the general admissions email.

Happy to read your note re: dad’s permanent residency and your application for residency via immediate relative of US citizen pathway, just send it PM. Just make it the facts, short and sweet.

You can send the other info that has already gone too, but that is less important.

Sure, go ahead.
Also, if you need to, work with Questbridge.

@cptofthehouse : it never was about prestige. It was about the wealthiest schools have the best financial aid for kids with very, very high need. (Imagine having to live on 15k a year)
OP can focus on full rides + that are open to undocumented students but many schools limit their full rides to “US citizens and permanent residents”. If OP gets his green card by October 15/November 1/December 1, there’ll be more possibilities.

@MYOS1634 My understanding is that students who have already graduated high school (which OP will do in May) can’t do Questbridge–is there a way to nominate him now and get him in the system before he graduates?