Reject Train Going Full Speed

That’s good news @HKimPOSSIBLE, especially if it’s not a form letter/auto-reply. The reality is that many emails to admissions are not receiving any response right now, as of course, it’s a busy time.

One other follow-up item–did you accept the CWRU waitlist spot? And also sent that regional AO the note re: permanent residency update?

They are adding it in, but since you haven’t received your green card yet it doesn’t matter for now. It’ll matter for later, when you reapply, as this type of information is one of the very very few that makes your application worth re-reading for them, and having that note will keep you on their mind.

:slight_smile: At least I tried them. As for CWRU, they send out waitlist requests on April 1st. I emailed them yesterday (the Dean) regarding definite interest in CWRU and it is one of my top choices if accepted. I got an email this morning saying they have made a note on my application and that they hope I accept their waitlist offer come April 1 - also to make sure to call their number if need be.

Another bites the dust…with a Notre Dame rejection!

I’m so sorry to hear this. Hang in there.

I am sorry too—try your best to stay positive, be kind to yourself, and remember it’s not personal.

It feels personal. But it’s not. You’re a star.


They for some reason, I don’t feel anything with Notre Dame…their rejection was very uplifting…“our loss is another’s gain”

I’ve been thinking things for a bit (a day haha) but honestly I’m thinking that maybe I would’ve had a better chance had I not told them my situation, what I’m working on right now with my parents (my status), and my father’s current unemployment…

Also to what someone said, I don’t see why a college would admit me and give full aid (for a 0 EFC) than admit two students who only need half as much aid as I do…and since I added that to my application, I think that the need blind colleges will consider my income and status into their application - essentially making all the need-blind colleges need aware for me; I mean it’s impossible that the AO’s will just be like “Oh this guy need all the finanacial aid…let’s just overlook that and see what he can bring us”.

I honestly should’ve gave my shot at Questbridge and tried to match there instead of listening to my College Counselor and just doing regular common app.

Don’t feel bad about this one: ND should have been in your super reach category. They are big on legacy and big on sports EC’s. (When I looked a few years ago, ~50% of students were on a varsity team in HS.)

You still only need one and based on the responses to this thread people (including me) find you compelling, qualified, smart, interesting etc. So will admissions officers. You will hit on one or more and we will all be thrilled for you.

Hang in there!!

Don’t second guess yourself re: doing things differently, Questbridge, etc. I am disappointed in your GC, but that’s water under the bridge. You can only keep moving forward.

I remain optimistic of your chances at a couple of the schools still on your list. If you do take a GAP year, there is an army of highly capable CC’ers standing by ready to assist you on the second round.

Wake up everyday and continue to do your best—things will ultimately work out and you will attend college.

I’m really trying to believe that AO’s are people too and hope at least one of them will see me a good fit for their school.

Need blind schools will not hold it against you and in fact promise that if they are given a hint that you had to overcome poverty or obstacles, they’ll add it as a plus for you. Always as a bonus not a “malus”.
Need aware schools… were aware in the first place. THEY are the ones who will hesitate between you and two less needy students.
In other words, by indicating your socio economic status, you set yourself from your school peers in a positive way and didn’t harm your situation.

Well, that is a relief - though Notre Dame seems to be an outlier of that, then again, the people who get into Notre Dame really aren’t “of my kind” if you get what I’m saying (really not trying to generalize).

Well there goes my chances at Penn haha
Though what’s interesting is how they give need-blind admissions process for citizens of the US, Canda, AND MEXICO…wondering if that was their attempt to show undocumented/DACA sympathy without realizing many DACA or undocumented are from non-Mexico as well.

@HKimPOSSIBLE you have more acceptance options in few days, probably your better options, need blind Colleges , you must be positive.If you can’t going to College you’ll have a bigger option next year, you have the opportunity to have your green card, a lot of people don’t have your luck.

@“International Dad” I agree, except what worried me (and prompted me to write this post) was how Johns Hopkins, WUSTL, Bates, and now Notre Dame (all of which are Need Blind for DACA) rejected or waitlisted me; having more difficult-to-get-into schools down the road is my worries. I hope I don’t come off as pretentious, but what I mean is if I cannot get into the less selective (albeit still selective) need-blind schools, how am I supposed to get into the upcoming ones.

Has your counselor reviewed your application? Is there any ‘red flag’ especially along recommendations? Always worth checking.

Yes my GC has checked some of my essays and after some edits, he said they were very good in terms of capturing my passions and why they interest me - but I have a feeling he says thid to everyone probably.

The LOR, they are both from fantastic teachers (AP CHEM and AP Lang (and now my AP LIT)) who I have known for at least 2 years.

I hope you get into one of the school, but if not, please don’t despair. It’s an extremely competitive year. You are a very impressive applicant but so are many others. In your situation it may be best to take a gap year, wait for the change in your status, earn some money and then reapply.