Rejected Candidates

<p>Peskemom- What team does your daughter swim for? We lived in Poway in 2001 and Scott swam for the Blue Fins. We currently live in Dallas but since Scott was born in Coronado and we own a house there he still considers himself a native Californian.</p>

<p>North Coast Aquatics was her team....she stopped swimming club swim 3 years ago, however...but we still know a heck of a lot of local swimmers</p>

<p>I live about 30 miles north of Houston.</p>

<p>During the winter here, all I could think about was returning home for the summer...but now that spring has come in, I might stay here a little longer.</p>

<p>Unless I can figure out a way to take some of this weather with me...</p>

<p>Dmeix, it was 101 in DFW area day before yesterday. Enjoy Spring in WA!</p>

<p>I will not give up. I will get in just wait and see.</p>

I will not give up. I will get in just wait and see.



<p>Damn the torpedos! THAT'S the spirit!</p>


<p>Congratulations to you! Yours is a truly great story of perseverance. Another cybermom is doing another cyber dance.</p>


<p>You are showing great spirit and attitude. Listen to the others here, especially cadetmom. Let DMeix be your guide. With the same spirit and attitude he has received his appointment. Perhaps your Admissions rep can tell you how you will be able to strengthen your file. Then excel at Georgia Tech in academics and NROTC. Then next year you can let us know that you'll be there for I-Day. </p>

<p>Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>DMeix............CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)</p>

<p>Congrats there DMeix! Its about time! You'll love it here, and from what I've found out, those that tried more than once to get into this place seem to love just that much more. If you need any advice or anything just look me up in 18th company. Lowe. 28 days til Herdon!</p>

<p>I don't want to embarass SpiderMD, but he is ONE amazing midshipman! Spent two years in college working hard and waiting for an appointment. Applied to USNA three times! (I think it was a vision issue.) Finally, Spider received an appointment last year on his third application! Evidently he has had a brilliant year because I heard that he will be part of the Summer Seminar cadre and only superstars get picked for that assignment!<br>
SpiderMD, I hope I didn't embarass you, but you never gave up and I really respect your tenacity and spirit. I understand your younger sister is also in the wings! Good Luck!</p>

<p>spidermd, lol, i never knew this! i'll ask you about it in calc tomm.</p>

<p>hey, you two would make a cute couple! Now I'm embarassing both of you! ;)</p>

<p>Wait a minute... I'm confused...</p>

<p>lol you're in my calc class bub.</p>

<p>Oops! Owned! :D</p>