Rejected EDer Chances

<p>Hello! =)</p>

<p>the schools i am applying to:
Boston University
Carnegie Mellon University
Case Western Reserve University
Claremont McKenna College
Dartmouth College
Duke University
Emory University
George Washington University
Northwestern University
Oberlin College
University of Notre Dame
University of the Pacific
Washington University in St. Louis
Whitman College</p>

<p>Here is my info =):</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.49 (out of 4)
Weighted GPA: 3.83 (out of 5)</p>

<h1>of AP/Honors courses: 9 AP classes, 9 Honors classes</h1>

<p>My school does not rank but i'm probably top 15-20% (very competitive public hs in southern california)</p>

Composite: 2180
CR: 730 W: 720 Math: 730 Writing: 10</p>

<p>SAT II Scores:
Math IIC: 710
Bio-E: 730
USH: 710</p>

<p>AP Scores:
USH: 4
Bio: 4
Art History: 4
English Language: 3
Planning to take: Physics B, English Literature, Macroecon, Polisci, Calc BC
Was awarded AP Scholor with Honor</p>

Placed in top 3 for 3 regional golf tournaments.
Played on Girls Varsity Golf for 4 years in high school.
Future Business Leaders of America Club: held positions for 3 yrs (secretary, publicity, gold seal chair), placed 3rd for parli pro, 2nd for parli pro, 9th place for nametag design, 8th place for nametag design
Red Cross Club: held positions for 3 yrs (secretary, technology coordinator, vp), 25 community service hrs for 3 yrs
National Charity League: been in organization for 6 yrs... did various community service events.. more than 150 hours of community service</p>

<p>Getting recs from math teacher, bio teacher, and art history teacher + counselor.. =) pretty decent recs probably because I tried really hard in their classes and they know me pretty well</p>

<p>Please chance me and I'll chance you back! =) Thank you for reading this super long thread! </p>

<p>(Oh yeah, I was rejected from Johns Hopkins University ED for biomedical engineering)</p>
