<p>Be careful about second guessing yourself into a tizzy. Before you try changing your application take a step back for a moment and consider another perspective. Then, if you still want to change it, go for it.</p>
<p>Something I heard at a college fair really opened my eyes to the whole admissions decision process. The speaker said “We’re trying trying to create a well rounded population of students, not a population of well rounded students.” </p>
<p>What that told me is that while scores and grades and essays and the like are important, in the end the admissions process may boil down to nothing more than a very subjective “feel” that an admissions officer gets when looking over an application - especially these days when many schools probably get lots more well qualified applicants than they have openings to fill. </p>
<p>So, you know, maybe it has absolutely nothing to do with your scores or your ECs or your essay or your recommendations or anything else you have even the slightest amount of control over. In fact, maybe there’s nothing wrong with your application at all. Maybe it’s the perfect application for the school that is perfect for you. Maybe the same application will get you <em>in</em> to a school that you end up <em>truly</em> falling in love with. </p>
<p>I know that may sound patronizing, or like a cliche, meant to make you feel better and nothing more. But that’s not it at all. </p>
<p>Clearly, if you’re good enough to even consider applying ED, then you’re a great applicant. </p>
<p>Also, you mentioned that you’ve already been accepted to your state school, so you <em>know</em> you’re going to college. The only thing you don’t know, yet, is where. </p>
<p>So, if you like, feel free to look over you application one more time. If there’s still time and you’d feel much better if you were to change some part of it go for it. </p>
<p>Otherwise, have faith. Trust yourself and everything you’ve done so far. </p>
<p>And in the meantime, while you’re waiting to hear from the other schools, read this posting:<br>
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/640545-now-not-time-worry.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/640545-now-not-time-worry.html</a></p>